The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews - Chapter 5 - Verse 10
Verse 10. Called of God. Addressed by him, or greeted by him. The Word. here used does not mean that he was appointed by God, or "called" to the office, in the sense in which we often use the word but simply that he was addressed as such, to wit, in Ps 110.

An High Priest. In the Septuagint, (Ps 110:4, ) and in Heb 4:6 above, it is rendered priest -- iereuv -- -but the Hebrew word


cohen -- is used to denote the high priest, and may mean either. See Sept. in Le 4:3. Whether the word priest, or high priest, be used here, does not affect the argument of the apostle.

After the order of Melchisedek. See Barnes "Heb 5:6".

{c} "High Priest" Heb 5:6

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