The Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 9 - Verse 35
Verse 35. And all. The mass, or body of the people. The affliction of the man had been long, and was probably well known; the miracle would be celebrated, and the effect was an extensive revival of religion.

Saron. This was the champaign, or open country, usually mentioned by the name of Sharon in the Old Testament, 1 Ch 5:16; 1 Ch 27:29; So 2:1; Isa 33:9.

It was a region of extraordinary fertility, and the name was almost proverbial to denote any country of great beauty and fertility. Comp. Isa 33:9; 35:2; 65:19.

It was situated south of Mount Carmel, along the coast of the Mediterranean, extending to Caesarea and Joppa. Lydda was situated in this region.

Turned to the Lord. Were converted; or received the Lord Jesus as the Messiah, Ac 11:21; 2 Co 3:16.

{i} "Saron" 1 Ch 5:16 {k} "turned to the Lord" Ac 11:21

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