Verse 26. And the next day. Ex 2:13. He shewed himself. He appeared in a sudden and unexpected manner to them. Unto them. That is, to two of the Hebrews, Ex 2:13. As they strove. As they were engaged in a quarrel. Have set them at one. Greek, "would have urged them to peace." This he did by remonstrating with the man that did the wrong. Saying. What follows is not quoted literally from the account which Moses gives, but it is substantially the same. Sirs. Greek, "men." Ye are brethren. You belong not only to the same nation, but you are brethren and companions in affliction, and should not, therefore, contend with each other. One of the most melancholy scenes in this world, is that where those who are poor, and afflicted, and oppressed, add to all their other calamities, altercations and strifes among themselves. Yet it is from this class that contentions and lawsuits usually arise. The address which Moses here makes to the contending Jews, might be applied to the whole human family, in view of the contentions and wars of nations: "Ye are brethren, members of the same great family, and why do you contend with each other?" {*} "at one again" "Would have reconciled them" |