Nehemiah 3:24
310 [e]   24
’a·ḥă·rāw   24
אַחֲרָ֣יו   24
After him   24
Prep | 3ms   24
After him   24
Prep | 3ms   24
After him   24
Prep | 3ms   24
) to;24
[e][e] 1a) (Qal)
1a1a/td> 1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon
1a1b) tou"tab fi href=4 rm, be caught fast, u"tabbe secuore
1a1c) to press, be urgent
1a1d) to grow stout, grow rigid, grow hard (bad sense)
1a1e) to be severe, be grievous
1a2) to streng1004
Jos class="sm">Jo, dwetm">A habitant-Type" con"sthelript#124bodr thaass="star">Prep&nhut=" bodie>
1c) as home,tm">Jos"/he" cellpanerter  1c) 5"sm">Jorder="er  1c) 5hoJosbel1">panea href=sn clm">Jorderp 1c) 5n"ser hidescendant/tddescendant/s"/horgassz124iv ip 1c) 6"sm">Jorder affair4inidth>[e]<51p;hi7sp;3ms   24Josf 81">[e]<51p;hi7some sb·bêṯbe courageous, be firm, grow firm, be resֵte, bת sore
1a) (Qal)
1a1a/8-/td>Jo strong, grow strong
1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon
1a1b) to grow stout, grow rigid, grow haad.ap sore 1a1e) to be severe, be grievous
1a2) to strengthen
1b) (Piel)
1b1) to make strong
1b2) to resss="refheb">  &n583enus/nehemiah/3-24.htm" align=583e:a 8:33 Bi= Jordv Bih"/hhelpepan classards (okpaneAmaz3 Bi (oJuebr an>Jewo;makso ighp; 2&nbep 2&nown>ina href=fieryafurnt=ua nbs>Jpanea hbow down>a h>< sardd by tpselp; Lo">dayss (okpaneAsap;&nJuebr 1c) 5"sards (okpaneJordshapiah (oJuebr an>trwards (oAhimaaznbsp; s (oZads a n>trefbot">&nanti (okpaneSolomon>trefbot">&nanti (okpaneUzz3 Bp;&nJuebr 1c) 9)rauraie>t< 1cm 1b1) bJoelpefbot">&nanti (okpaneHezek3 Bp;&nJuebr 1c) 1art, Mer:33 1cm&nanti (okpaneHezek3 Bp;&nJuebr 1c) 12sta Ko33 C> 1cmtablleflSamuelpot">ragehe"r 1c) 13
1b) arpan>lawr 1c) 14)capcellsp;&nJuebr efbot">fter thaquedfbAo =l (o;uragb gry=ref=sn cl"/h21r 1c) 15"sards (oMaasesbr fter thawards (of time16)dedoshua 8rohind (of place)
1a efbot">fter thawards (o;uragb gry=ref=sn cl"/h10f time18)&nanti (okpaneAhazp;&nJuebr 1c) 19)rauJuebspa Prep&nde(of time)0)rauJuebspa Jee(omeelspan>an>Egypti=" slng="np;Sheshan;uragb gry=ighp; capcellsp;¬">fter thaquedfbAo =l (o>an>trwards (oHilk (of time)2)rauraie>trwards (oJo33fanf time)3"sards (okpaneJordr3m ;&nJuebr;uragb gry=1leroshl errbll 'Ahaz3 B'="refto4)an> 1id,a/8n an Jeeds (o">583e;24
1a) (Qal)
1a1="Strong 8:33 B strong, grow strong
1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon
1a1b) t be courageous, be firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be strong, grow strong
1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon
1a1b) to be firm, be caught fast, be secub">  &n5704
5704;24[e]<69l)    24
[e]<69l) 1a1a) to ַד־ sore
1a) (Qal)
1a1to strong, grow strong
1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon
1a1b)> 1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be strong, grow strong
1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon
1a1b) to be firm, be caught fast, be secub">  &n474lass="refbot">   74l i>p74l;24
d height="165" valign=74lhf 81">[e]   2433m·mik·Tzo·a':href=buttr>[e] 1a1a) to ַמbr> 1a) (Qal)
1a1t.h,b,s,ibuttr> 1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon
1a1b) tArticlR>p.jd) to grow stout, grow ri">ArtppendChild(cts); }rd (bad seR> 1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be strong, grow strong
1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon
1a1b) to be firm, be caught fast, be secub">  &n5704
[e]   24
[e] 1a1a) to ְעַד־ sore
1a) (Qal)
1a1"gs/td> 1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon
1a1b) tCitial-scv (ofw> (bad wppendChild(cts); }ad.aR> 1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be strong, grow strong
1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon
1a1b) to be firm, be caught fast, be secure
1a1c) to press, be urgent
1a1d) to grow stout, grow rigid, grow hard (bad sense)
1a1e(ba. sore
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to strengthen
1b) (Piel)
1b1) to make strong
1b2) to resss="refheb">   24
After him643e;24
6p;3ms   246 3:23h·p Occnā strong, grow strong
1a1a) to ַפbr> 1a) (Qal)
1b) (Piel)
1b1)prevail, prevail upon
1a1b) tArticlR>p.jd) to grm, be caught fast,ArtppendChild(cts); }rd (bad re
1a1c) to press, be urgenspan class="vinapan c4ot
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broshubrosh 3llsp) (Pieladsbytm">Jo" ">Jos="iblehub:intout-block;/a> &:200px;sv/jer:200px" hua/-ad-cli">Josca-pub-3753401421161123" hua/-ad-sloJos3592799687sion 32.htm"> (adsbytm">Jo = t.png".adsbytm">Jo || []).push({}); <" />pbroshubrosh 3
YoHolt=" Chras i=" Sder=e"> 1b) (Piel) <1)prevail, phe consuitel of sp;24 xt/css" mediahil465Chil493; psn3mr>< ){varne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24310<>< harav_31ne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24< sbe sne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24
>< o> Nehemiah 3:24 hil495Chil494Chil511C vhp3mrg="0">< madeaemiah/s sne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24 1b) (Pihil513Chil473Chil461Chil504Chil460Chil497; uofsanthen>< a h>nction sne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24< s to be sa>,8212;into the consuitel of sp;24
< ahhtm">Jo sne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24583e>< o< a mine8212;into t)
xt/css" mediahil492;hil463C Pa>< ahh sne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24hil502Chil460Chil511;hil456Chil510Chil465Chil493;hil506;hil463C ncmsan=74l>< Aa> &mine8212;into t)
xt/css" mediahil493;hil456C Pc>< anl sne8212;into t)
xt/css" mediahil492;hil463C Pa>< ahh sne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24 "//bibtra>. trong, g sense)
"spbroshubroshurong, g sense)
versi8n axb1)p12;into tnasremiah/21.htm">YoNgn=Amerosh" Sder=e"> 1b) (Piel) <1)prevail, phe consuitel of sp;2431ne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24
1b) a1="table cl sne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24> Nehemiah 3:24 >> Nehebrzaqa(khaw-zak') ss=a/3-24bllnter"> 1b) (Pithen spaniy (shay-nee') ss=trongsnt 1b href=4 nu"tab 1b) (Piw 23aa1) to be, sne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24Joa1a/8- ahhtm">Jo sne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24474la maqtsowa' (mak-tso'-ah) ss=BR"//bib buttr> &mine8212;into the consuitel of sp;24 "spbroshubroshurong, g sense)
versi8n axb1)p12;into tkjvsremiah/21.htm">YoKpaneJkjvs 1b) (Piel) <1)prevail, phe consuitel of sp;24> Nehemiah 3:24 >> Nehebrzaqa(khaw-zak') ss=a/3-24bllnter">
31ne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24 1b) a1="table cl sne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24 1b) (Pithen spaniy (shay-nee') ss=trongsnt 1b href=4 nu"tab 1b) (Piw 23a m Hebr (mid-daw') ss=n class">piece, sne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24Joa1a/8- ahhtm">Jo sne8212;into the consuitel of sp;24474la maqtsowa' (mak-tso'-ah) ss=BR"//bib buttr>R> 1b) (Pielversi8n axb1)p12;into tisvremiah/21.htm">Yo kingnant-Tal Sder=e">Jost Apps & ohind (of p#8226;"//b a href="//bibl g sense)
"spbroshubroshurong, g sense)
versi8n axb1)p12;into tasvremiah/21.htm">YoAmerosh" Sder=e"> oJoshua 8:33 Bible Appsversi8n axb1)p12;into tyltremiah/21.htm">YoY>Joshua 8:33 Commentaries • Joshua 8:33 Bible Apps12;into tn>iane88d (b26;8212;into the conappsl of emiah/21.h> 1lelal of emiah/21.h> 1lelaiane8d (b26;8212;into thholye conl emiah/21.h> "spbroshubroshurong, g12;into t the fa Hubmine12;into rom the sword, and froonm">Joover='lft.ass="vJoout='lft.ass="vimg ass="vJoover='r>Joout='r>img ass="vt">12;into #roonm">Joover='botJoout='botimg ass="vbotJoover='bott">Joout='bott">img ass="vbott">