Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
God Demolishes the Deceitful |
4907 συνέσεως for contemplation; |
2064-* ήλθε Δαυίδ that David went |
458 ανομίαν with lawlessness |
52:2 93 52:2 αδικίαν 52:2 [3injustice |
190.1 ηκονημένον 1sharpening] |
52:3 25 52:3 ηγάπησας 52:3 You loved |
1343 δικαιοσύνην righteousness. |
52:4 25 52:4 ηγάπησας 52:4 You loved |
2670.1 καταποντισμού 1drowning], |
52:5 1223 52:5 διά 52:5 On account of |
2507 καθέλοι shall demolish |
52:6 3708 52:6 όψονται 52:6 [2shall see |
5399 φοβηθήσονται shall fear, |
1070 γελάσονται 1shall laugh]. |
2046 ερούσιν they shall say, |
52:7 2400 52:7 ιδού 52:7 Behold, |
1412 ενεδυναμώθη was strengthened |
52:9 1843 52:9 εξομολογήσομαί 52:9 I will make acknowledgment |
5278 υπομενώ I will wait on |
5543 χρηστόν you are gracious |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.