Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The Troubled Soul Cries Out |
141:1 2962 141:1 κύριε 141:1 O lord, |
141:2 2720 141:2 κατευθυνθήτω 141:2 May [2be straightened |
141:3 5087 141:3 θου 141:3 Set, |
141:4 3361 141:4 μη 141:4 You should not |
4189 πονηρίας of wickedness, |
4887.1 συνδοίασω shall I associate myself |
141:5 3811 141:5 παιδεύσει 141:5 [2shall correct |
268 αμαρτωλού of the sinner, |
2107-1473 ευδοκίαις αυτών their good-pleasures. |
141:6 2666 141:6 κατεπόθησαν 141:6 [2were swallowed down |
191 ακούσονται They shall hear |
2237.1 ηδύνθησαν they are a delight. |
141:7 5616 141:7 ωσεί 141:7 As |
4486 ερράγη was broken asunder |
1287 διεσκορπίσθη [2were dispersed |
141:8 3754 141:8 ότι 141:8 For |
465.3 αντανέλης take away [2in return |
141:9 5442 141:9 φύλαξόν 141:9 Keep |
4921 συνεστήσαντό they concocted |
141:10 4098 141:10 πεσούνται 141:10 [2shall fall |
293-1473 αμφιβλήστρω αυτών 4their own casting-net |
3928 παρέλθω I should pass away. |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.