Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
20:1 2532 20:1 και 20:1 And |
191-* ήκουσε Πασχόρ Pashur heard |
2525 καθεστάμενος being ordained |
4395 προφητεύοντος prophesying |
20:2 2532 20:2 και 20:2 And |
20:3 2532 20:3 και 20:3 And |
1096 εγένετο it came to pass |
1806-* εξήγαγε Πασχόρ Pashur led out |
20:4 1360 20:4 διότι 20:4 Because |
4098 πεσούνται they shall fall |
3351 μετοικιούσιν they shall displace |
2629-1473 κατακόψουσιν αυτούς shall cut them in pieces |
20:5 2532 20:5 και 20:5 And |
20:6 2532 20:6 και 20:6 And |
2730 κατοικούντες ones dwelling |
2290 ταφήση you shall be entombed, |
4395 επροφήτευσας you prophesied |
20:7 538 20:7 ηπάτησάς 20:7 You deceived |
538 ηπατήθην I was deceived. |
3456 μυκτηριζόμενος being sneered at. |
20:8 3754 20:8 ότι 20:8 For |
1070 γελάσομαι 1I shall laugh], |
1941 επικαλέσομαι 1I will call upon]; |
20:9 2532 20:9 και 20:9 And |
2545 καιόμενον 1a burning], |
3935 παρείμαι I am weakened |
3840 πάντοθεν from all sides, |
20:10 3754 20:10 ότι 20:10 For |
4867 συναθροιζομένων gathering together |
2943 κυκλόθεν round about, saying, |
1997.1 επισυστήτε Rise up together against him! |
1997.1 επισυστώμεν We should rise up together |
538 απατηθήσεται he should be deceived, |
1410 δυνησόμεθα we shall prevail |
2983 ληψόμεθα we shall take |
2480 ισχύων 1a strengthening]. |
3539 νοήσαι [3to comprehend |
153 ησχύνθησαν They were shamed |
1950 επιλησθήσονται be forgotten. |
20:12 2962 20:12 κύριε 20:12 O lord, |
1557 εκδίκησιν 1punishment] |
20:13 103 20:13 άσατε 20:13 Sing |
4731 στερεωτέρων of the most substantial ones. |
20:14 1944 20:14 επικατάρατος 20:14 Cursed |
5088 έτεκεν [2gave birth to |
20:15 1944 20:15 επικατάρατος 20:15 Cursed is |
2097 ευαγγελισάμενος announcing good news |
5088 ετέχθη There was birthed |
2165 ευφραινόμενός [2making merry |
20:16 1510.5 20:16 έστω 20:16 [1Let 3be |
2690-2962 κατέστρεψε κύριος the lord eradicated |
4404 τοπρωϊ in the morning, |
20:17 3754 20:17 ότι 20:17 For |
166 αιωνίας 1an everlasting]. |
20:18 2444 20:18 ινατί 20:18 Why |
1831 εξήλθον that I came forth |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.