Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
2:1 1223 2:1 διά 2:1 On account of |
4056 περισσοτέρως more exceedingly |
3379 μηποτέ lest at any time |
3901 παραρρυώμεν we flow away. |
2980 λαληθείς 2being spoken |
3405 μισθαποδοσίαν payment, |
272 αμελήσαντες 1neglecting] |
2980 λαλείσθαι being spoken |
191 ακουσάντων 6hearing him |
950 εβεβαιώθη 1was firmed up]; |
2:4 4901 2:4 συνεπιμαρτυρούντος 2:4 [2bearing witness with |
1411 δυνάμεσι works of power, |
3311 μερισμοίς 1distributions], |
3611 οικουμένην inhabitable world, |
3195 μέλλουσαν about to be, |
2:6 1263-1161 2:6 διεμαρτύρατο δε 2:6 But [2testified |
2:7 1642 2:7 ηλάττωσας 2:7 You lessened |
4737 εστεφάνωσας you crowned |
2525 κατέστησας established |
2:8 3956 2:8 πάντα 2:8 All things |
5293 υπέταξας you submitted |
1473-506 αυτώ ανυπότακτον unsubmissive to him. |
5293 υποτεταγμένα 2being submitted]. |
1642 ηλαττωμένον 3being lessened |
4737 εστεφανωμένον 1being crowned]; |
1089 γεύσηται 1he should taste |
2:10 4241-1063 2:10 έπρεπε γαρ 2:10 For it was becoming |
5048 τελειώσαι 1to perfect]. |
37 αγιαζόμενοι being sanctified |
2:12 3004 2:12 λέγων 2:12 saying, |
1577 εκκλησίας of the assembly |
5214 υμνήσω I will sing praise to |
2:13 2532 2:13 και 2:13 And |
2:14 1893 2:14 επεί 2:14 Since |
2841 κεκοινώνηκε have participated of |
2673 καταργήση he should cease the work, |
5123 τουτ' έστι that is to say — |
2:15 2532 2:15 και 2:15 and |
525 απαλλάξη should dismiss |
1397 δουλείας of servitude. |
1949 επιλαμβάνεται 1does he take hold of], |
1949 επιλαμβάνεται he takes hold of. |
2:17 3606 2:17 όθεν 2:17 Whereupon, |
3666 ομοιωθήναι 1to be likened], |
1096 γένηται 1he should become] |
3985 πειρασθείς having been tested, |
3985 πειραζομένοις 3being tested |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.