Wives: Good: Orpah and Ruth
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... So she took Ruth and Orpah, her sons' wives, and started ... And Orpah kissed Naomi,
and went back to her own ... There was a good and great man in Bethlehem named Boaz ...
/...//christianbookshelf.org/lathbury/childs story of the bible/chapter xvi ruth.htm

Ruth, the Gleaner
... The younger women, who were the wives of those two dead ... urged her to return, and
pointed out that Orpah had gone ... was very rich, and nothing was too good for his ...
/...//christianbookshelf.org/steedman/the babe in the bulrushes/ruth the gleaner.htm

Scriptural Poems; Being Several Portions of Scripture Digested ...
... And Orpah kiss'd Her mother, But Ruth would be not ... and I'll feed you with the good
things of the ... wagons with you hence wherein to bring Your wives, your little ...
/.../scriptural poems being several portions.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Ruth 1:4,8
And they took them wives of the women of Moab; the name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other Ruth: and they dwelled there about ten years.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Wives of Ministers should be Exemplary

Wives: Bad: Herodias

Wives: Bad: Jezebel

Wives: Bad: Job's Wife

Wives: Bad: Michal

Wives: Bad: Samson's Wife

Wives: Bad: Sapphira

Wives: Bad: Zeresh

Wives: Duties of, to Their Husbands: To be Faithful to Them

Wives: Duties of, to Their Husbands: To be Subject to Them

Wives: Duties of, to Their Husbands: To Love Them

Wives: Duties of, to Their Husbands: To Obey Them

Wives: Duties of, to Their Husbands: To Remain With Them for Life

Wives: Duties of, to Their Husbands: To Reverence Them

Wives: Good are a Blessing to Husbands

Wives: Good are a Token of the Favour of God

Wives: Good are Benevolent to the Poor

Wives: Good are Diligent and Prudent

Wives: Good are from the Lord

Wives: Good are Praised by Husbands

Wives: Good: Abigail

Wives: Good: Bring Honor on Husbands

Wives: Good: Duty of, to Unbelieving Husbands

Wives: Good: Elizabeth

Wives: Good: Esther

Wives: Good: Orpah and Ruth

Wives: Good: Priscilla

Wives: Good: Sarah

Wives: Good: Secure Confidence of Husbands

Wives: Good: should be Silent in the Churches

Wives: Good: Wife of Manoah

Wives: Not to be Selected from Among the Ungodly

Wives: should be Adorned with a Meek and Quiet Spirit

Wives: should be Adorned with Good Works

Wives: should be Adorned with Modesty and Sobriety

Wives: should be Adorned: Not With Ornaments

Wives: should Seek Religious Instruction from Their Husbands

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