The Sun: The Rays of Frequently Destructive to Human Life
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From the Close of the General Conference of 1836 to the ...
... his servant to shine in those borrowed rays reflected upon him from the "Sun of
righteousness.". ... it from these exceptions which have frequently been made ...
/.../chapter 14 from the close.htm

Ancient Chaldaea
... originally written in Sumerian or in the Semitic tongue has frequently been discussed ...
ice covers the marshes, to disappear under the first rays of the sun.*. ...
/.../chapter iancient chaldaea.htm

the Legendary History of Egypt
... him to retreat at the sight of thy rays." On learning ... possessed one of the rods of
the Sun-god, also ... all the sacred archives, we should frequently find them ...
/.../chapter iii -the legendary history of.htm

Washed to Greater Foulness
... The rays of the sun are, however ... Sudden death is an occasional fact, but more frequently
the saints are peacefully welcomed to the realms above; so in the ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 32 1886/washed to greater foulness.htm

Letter to a Young Widow.
... but in lustre of another kind, and splendour outshining the rays of the sun. ... whereas
those which never even entered the mind have frequently come to pass ...
/.../ the priesthood/letter to a young widow.htm

Additional Evidences of Christianity, and Reflections on the Whole ...
... when disputing with the Jews, did frequently argue from ... God of nature, for lighting
up the sun, that glorious ... to gild the earth with its various rays, to cheer ...
/.../the evidences of christianity/additional evidences of christianity and.htm

Jesus in the Garden of Olives.
... walked along with her head veiled, and her arms frequently stretched forth ... and this
unity in diversity was produced by the rays of one single Sun, by the ...
/.../the dolorous passion of our lord jesus christ/chapter i jesus in the.htm

Tenth Proposition of Arminius.
... is introduced here, and which will be frequently introduced whenever ... it has light
borrowed from the sun, while it ... at the same time with his soul, rays also of ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 3/tenth proposition of arminius.htm

The Sibylline Oracles.
... failing in mid-day, and the moon's rays falling on ... places them on the Altar of the
Sun, and returns ... emblem of the Christian faith so frequently sculptured on ...
// sibylline oracles.htm

Answer to Eunomius' Second Book .
... to show this in the case of human capacity alone ... their magnitude, and the specialities
of their rays, their risings ... changes, the motion of the sun midway within ...
/.../gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/answer to eunomius second book.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Kings 4:18-20
And when the child was grown, it fell on a day, that he went out to his father to the reapers.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 121:6
The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Isaiah 49:10
They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that has mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Sun Gate

Sun: Created

Sun: Diurnal Motion of

Sun: Does not Shine in Heaven

Sun: Figurative

Sun: Kings of Judah Dedicate Horses To

Sun: Miracles Concerning: Darkening of

Sun: Rising and Setting of

Sun: Shadow of Went Back on the Sun-Dial of Ahaz

Sun: Stood Still

Sun: Worship of, Forbidden

Sun: Worshiped


Tanning: General Scriptures Concerning

The Sun of Christ's Coming

The Sun of God's Favour

The Sun of Supreme Rulers

The Sun of the Glory of Christ

The Sun: (Before or in Sight of) of Public Ignominy

The Sun: (Darkened) of Severe Calamities

The Sun: (Going Down at Noon) of Premature Destruction

The Sun: (Its Brightness) of the Future Glory of Saints

The Sun: (Its Clearness) of the Purity of the Church

The Sun: (Its Power) of the Triumph of Saints

The Sun: (No More Going Down) of Perpetual Blessedness

The Sun: Called the Greater Light

The Sun: Clearness of Its Light Alluded To

The Sun: Compared to a Bridegroom Coming Forth from his Chamber

The Sun: Compared to a Strong Man Rejoicing to Run a Race

The Sun: Diffuses Light and Heat to all the Earth

The Sun: God: Appointed to Divide Seasons

The Sun: God: Appointed to Rule the Day

The Sun: God: Causes to Know Its Time of Setting

The Sun: God: Causes, to Rise Both on Evil and Good

The Sun: God: Created

The Sun: God: Exercises Sovereign Power Over

The Sun: God: Placed in the Firmament

The Sun: Indicates the Hours of the Day by the Shadow on the Dial

The Sun: Made to Praise and Glorify God

The Sun: Miracles Connected With: Darkened at the Crucifixion

The Sun: Miracles Connected With: Shadow Put Back on the Dial

The Sun: Miracles Connected With: Standing Still for a Whole Day in the Valley of Ajalon

The Sun: The Jews: Commenced Their Day With the Rising of

The Sun: The Jews: Commenced Their Evening With the Setting of

The Sun: The Jews: Consecrated Chariots and Horses, As Symbols of

The Sun: The Jews: Expressed the East by Rising of

The Sun: The Jews: Expressed the West by Setting of

The Sun: The Jews: Expressed the Whole Earth By, from Rising of, to Setting of

The Sun: The Jews: Forbidden to Worship

The Sun: The Jews: Made Images of

The Sun: The Jews: Worshipped

The Sun: The Power and Brilliancy of Its Rising Alluded To

The Sun: The Rays of Change the Colour of the Skin

The Sun: The Rays of Frequently Destructive to Human Life

The Sun: The Rays of Pleasant to Man

The Sun: The Rays of Produce and Ripen Fruits

The Sun: The Rays of Soften and Melt some Substances

The Sun: The Rays of Wither and Burn up the Herbs of the Field

The Sun: Worshippers of, Turned Their Faces Towards the East

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