The Goat: Offered in Sacrifice
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'The Scapegoat'
... which one was offered for a sin offering, indicating that sacrifice came first;
then the removal of sin was symbolised by the sending away of the second goat. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/the scapegoat.htm

Abraham's Sacrifice of a Heifer Three Years Old, of a Goat, and of ...
... Chapter II."Abraham's Sacrifice of a Heifer Three Years Old ... and blameless, O Abraham,
when thou hast offered to Me ... the symbol of the heifer, the goat, and the ...
/.../chapter ii abrahams sacrifice of a.htm

Whether the Effect of Christ's Priesthood is the Expiation of Sins ...
... Moreover, the Sacrifice is offered continuously in ... Objection 3: Further, in the
sin-offerings of the Old Law, a he-goat was mostly offered for the sin of a ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether the effect of christs.htm

Whether a Suitable Cause Can be Assigned for the Ceremonies which ...
... These birds especially were offered in sacrifice because there ... the pride of the flesh;
a lamb, when we restrain our unreasonable motions; a goat, when we ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether a suitable cause can.htm

Christ Exalted
... after one scape-goat was driven into the wilderness, a scape-goat was needed the
next year, "but this man, when he had offered only one sacrifice for sins ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 2 1856/christ exalted.htm

Prayers and Praise from a Pure Mind, Ceaselessly Offered, Far ...
... as the turtle-dove and the pigeon offered for sins ... knew that they were good for nothing
but for sacrifice.". ... then, the law sacrifices not the goat, except in ...
/.../clement/the stromata or miscellanies/chapter vi prayers and praise from.htm

Fasting, and the Goat Sent Away, were Types of Christ.
... because He also Himself was to offer in sacrifice for our ... that the type established
in Isaac when he was offered upon the ... And let them eat of the goat which is ...
/.../barnabas/the epistle of barnabas /chapter vii fasting and the goat.htm

Whether the Priesthood of Christ Endures for Ever?
... Now this consummation of Christ's sacrifice was foreshadowed in this, that the high ...
as laid down, Lev.16:11, and yet he offered up the he-goat and calf not ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether the priesthood of christ.htm

The Fact of the Redeemer's Return was Foreshadowed in the Ritual ...
... came to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. Second, Aaron offered "a bullock
of the sin-offering" to ... Fourth, the goat of the sin-offering was killed and ...
// redeemers return/5 the fact of the.htm

But This, Too, it is Fitting that we Should Here Learn from You...
... Jupiter has to a bull's blood that it should be offered in sacrifice to him, not
to Mercury or Liber. Or what are the natural properties of a goat, that they ...
/.../arnobius/the seven books of arnobius against the heathen/21 but this too it.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 15:9
And he said to him, Take me an heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Leviticus 16:5,7
And he shall take of the congregation of the children of Israel two kids of the goats for a sin offering, and one ram for a burnt offering.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Goat by Gideon

Goat for the Paschal Feast

Goat used for Food

Goat: As a Sacrifice by Abraham

Goat: Curtains of the Tabernacle

Goat: Designated As One of the Ceremonially Clean Animals to be Eaten

Goat: Hair of, Used for Clothing

Goat: Manoah

Goat: Milk of, Used for Food

Goat: Nor Seethed in Its Mother's Milk

Goat: Numerous

Goat: Pillows

Goat: Regulations of Mosaic Law Required That a Baby Goat should not be Killed for Food Before It Was Eight Days Old

Goat: Wild, in Palestine

The Goat of Macedonian Empire

The Goat of the Wicked

The Goat: (Flock of) of the Church

The Goat: Bashan Celebrated For

The Goat: Clean and Fit for Food

The Goat: First-Born of, not Redeemed

The Goat: Flocks of, Always Led by a Male

The Goat: Jews had Large Flocks of

The Goat: Milk of, Used As Food

The Goat: Most Profitable to the Owner

The Goat: Offered in Sacrifice

The Goat: Skin of, often Used As Clothing

The Goat: The Arabians Traded In

The Goat: The Hair of Made Into Curtains, for Covering the Tabernacle

The Goat: The Hair of Made Into Pillows

The Goat: The Hair of Offered for Tabernacle

The Goat: The Male, Best for Sacrifice

The Goat: The Young of Called Kids

The Goat: The Young of Considered a Delicacy

The Goat: The Young of Fed Near the Shepherds' Tents

The Goat: The Young of Given As a Present

The Goat: The Young of Kept in Small Flocks

The Goat: The Young of not to be Seethed in Milk of Mother

The Goat: The Young of Offered at the Passover

The Goat: The Young of Offered in Sacrifice

The Goat: when Wild Dwelt in the Hills and Rocks

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