The Deluge: Called The: Flood
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Accurate Account of the Deluge.
... On this account he was fitly called Deucalion ... And Moses showed that the flood lasted
forty days and forty nights ... This, then, is in sum the history of the deluge. ...
/.../theophilus/theophilus to autolycus/chapter xix accurate account of the.htm

Of Methuselah's Age, which Seems to Extend Fourteen Years Beyond ...
... souls in the ark escaped destruction by the flood, and of ... before he begat the son
whom he called Lamech, lived ... age of Noah at the date of the deluge, 600 years ...
/.../augustine/city of god/chapter 11 of methuselahs age which.htm

Concerning the Flood; and after what Manner Noah was Saved in an ...
... he is describing the circumstances of the flood, he goes ... a great mountain in Armenia,
over Minyas, called Baris, upon ... fled at the time of the Deluge were saved ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 3 concerning the flood.htm

The Passage Explained; the Queens, the Holy Souls Before the ...
... are those royal souls before the deluge, who became ... The concubines [2692] those after
the flood, namely, those ... Word has with deep perception called the souls ...
/.../chapter iv the passage explained the.htm

Concerning the Posterity of Adam, and the Ten Generations from Him ...
... Adam, And The Ten Generations From Him To The Deluge. ... family to come together to
it; and called that city ... of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 2 concerning the posterity.htm

That the Years in those Ancient Times were of the Same Length as ...
... Then afterwards, at the end of the flood, it is thus written ... and a thirtieth part
of three days was then called a day, then that great deluge, which is ...
// of god/chapter 14 that the years in.htm

That the Original Language in Use among Men was that which was ...
... from the race,"for even before the deluge there was ... were found worthy of destruction
by the flood,"so when ... the city of the godless was called Confusion or ...
/.../augustine/city of god/chapter 11 that the original language.htm

Book 1 Footnotes:
... while the ark was preparing] till the deluge; which I ... built, as the first city or
town after the flood. ... was related by tradition to have been called Seron, or ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/book 1 footnotes .htm

Of Living Creatures, of Man; Prometheus, Deucalion, the Parcæ.
... dust of the ground, from which he was called man, [264 ... It is agreed by all that the
deluge took place for ... If, therefore, the flood took place for the purpose of ...
/.../lactantius/the divine institutes/chap xi of living creatures of.htm

Concerning the Tower of Babylon, and the Confusion of Tongues.
... Japhet, and Ham, born one hundred years before the Deluge. ... the lower grounds on account
of the flood, and so ... plain in which they first dwelt was called Shinar. ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 4 concerning the tower.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 9:28
And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Deluge of Noah

The Deluge of Baptism

The Deluge of the Destruction of Sinners

The Deluge: (Unexpectedness of) Suddenness of Christ's Coming

The Deluge: Called The: Flood

The Deluge: Called The: Waters of Noah

The Deluge: Came Suddenly and Unexpectedly

The Deluge: Causes of Its Abatement

The Deluge: Complete Destruction of Whole Earth Effected By

The Deluge: Date of Its Commencement

The Deluge: Date of Its Complete Removal

The Deluge: Decrease of Gradual

The Deluge: Entire Face of the Earth Changed By

The Deluge: Extreme Height of

The Deluge: Increased Gradually

The Deluge: Noah Forewarned of

The Deluge: Noah, Saved From

The Deluge: Patience of God Exhibited in Deferring

The Deluge: Produced by Forty Days' Incessant Rain

The Deluge: Produced by Opening up of the Fountains of the Great Deep

The Deluge: Sent As a Punishment for the Extreme Wickedness of Man

The Deluge: That It Shall Never Again Occur: A Pledge of God's Faithfulness

The Deluge: That It Shall Never Again Occur: Confirmed by Covenant

The Deluge: That It Shall Never Again Occur: Promised

The Deluge: That It Shall Never Again Occur: The Rainbow a Token

The Deluge: The Wicked Warned of

The Deluge: Time of Its Increase and Prevailing

The Deluge: Traditional Notice of

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