The Bear: Cruel
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A Poem on the Passion of the Lord
... and at times [2087] bear me and my admonitions in your devoted heart. Follow the
footsteps of my life, and while you look upon my torments and cruel death ...
/.../of the manner in which the persecutors died/a poem on the passion.htm

The Disciple, -- what is the Meaning and Purpose of the Cross...
... that the love of God should be such that, in order to save His creatures and to
bring to them eternal life, He should become incarnate and bear the cruel cross ...
/...// the masters feet/section i the disciple 5.htm

Low Beetling Brows, -- a Sensual, Cruel Mouth with a Loosely ...
... You will grow the stigmata of the Saviour in your hands and feet"you will bear terrible
marks of the nails hammered into your ... Do not prophesy so cruel a fate ...
/...// master-christian/ix low beetling brows .htm

Dread of Ridicule.
... Of course it is, but it is not so bitter to bear as a cruel death, and that is what
the early Christians had to expect if they would live godly in Christ Jesus ...
/.../the village pulpit volume ii trinity to advent/lxi dread of ridicule.htm

Servants of Sin.
... the knave and the false man; mark the flushed brow and cruel eyes of the angry man;
see the weak lips and trembling hand of the drunkard; they bear the marks ...
/.../the life of duty a years plain sermons v 2/sermon xlii servants of sin.htm

Endurance of the World's Censure.
... They "had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and
imprisonment: they ... He must not mind it, he must bear it, and in time (if God so ...
/.../newman/parochial and plain sermons vol viii/sermon x endurance of the.htm

Up to the Sixth Year the Storm had Been Incessantly Raging against ...
... but, on the other hand, strong in soul, and endowed with an understanding superior
to her body,"being unable to bear the merciless and cruel and inhuman deeds ...
// history/chapter viii up to the.htm

Before Thy Cross we Take Our Place,
... Because Thy blood was spilt. For Thou, to free us from our foes,. Didst bear that
cruel Cross,. And by its agony and woes. Bring gain for all our loss. ...
/.../brownlie/hymns of the russian church/v before thy cross we.htm

Jesus and Pilate
... flourish about his own carefulness to bring judicial impartiality to bear on the
case ... almost beneficent, but it would not make the scourging less cruel, nor its ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture e/jesus and pilate.htm

The Evil and Daring Deeds done by Georgius in Alexandria.
... put themselves under the surgeon's hand; others were not able to bear the agony ... it
might appear that they had nothing to do with these cruel transactions, and ...
/.../the ecclesiastical history of theodoret/chapter xi the evil and daring.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Amos 5:19
As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Bear: Ferocity of

Bear: Two Destroy the Young Men of Beth-El Who Mocked Elisha

The Bear: Attacks the Flock in the Presence of the Shepherd

The Bear: Cruel

The Bear: Cunning

The Bear: God in his Judgments

The Bear: Growls when Annoyed

The Bear: Inhabits Woods

The Bear: Miraculously Killed by David

The Bear: Often Attacks Men

The Bear: Particularly Fierce when Deprived of Its Young

The Bear: The Kingdom of Antichrist

The Bear: The Kingdom of the Medes

The Bear: The Natural Man

The Bear: Voracious

The Bear: Wicked Rulers

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