Shepherds: had Hired Keepers Under Them
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The Life of S. Hilarion.
... Baisanes who kept dromedaries which were hired, on account ... have died at once if they
had not run ... oil with which all the husbandmen and shepherds touched their ...
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Samuel 17:20
And David rose up early in the morning, and left the sheep with a keeper, and took, and went, as Jesse had commanded him; and he came to the trench, as the host was going forth to the fight, and shouted for the battle.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Shepherds of Christ As the Good Shepherd

Shepherds of God As Leader of Israel

Shepherds of Kings As the Leaders of the People

Shepherds of Ministers of the Gospel

Shepherds: (Ignorant and Foolish) of Bad Ministers

Shepherds: (Searching out Straying Sheep) Christ Seeking the Lost

Shepherds: (Their Care and Tenderness) Tenderness of Christ

Shepherds: An Abomination to the Egyptians

Shepherds: Care of the Sheep By, Exhibited in Attending Them when Sick

Shepherds: Care of the Sheep By, Exhibited in Defending Them when Attacked by Wild Beasts

Shepherds: Care of the Sheep By, Exhibited in Going Before and Leading Them

Shepherds: Care of the Sheep By, Exhibited in Knowing Them

Shepherds: Care of the Sheep By, Exhibited in Numbering Them when They Return from Pasture

Shepherds: Care of the Sheep By, Exhibited in Searching Them out when Lost and Straying

Shepherds: Care of the Sheep By, Exhibited in Seeking out Good Pasture for Them

Shepherds: Care of the Sheep By, Exhibited in Tenderness to the Ewes in Lamb, and to the Young

Shepherds: Care of the Sheep By, Exhibited in Watching Over Them by Night

Shepherds: Carried a Staff or Rod

Shepherds: Dwelt in Tents While Tending Their Flocks

Shepherds: Early Mention of

Shepherds: had Hired Keepers Under Them

Shepherds: Members of the Family Both Male and Female Acted As

Shepherds: The Unfaithfulness of Hireling, Alluded To

Shepherds: Usually Carried a Scrip or Bag

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