Repentance: True: Thief on the Cross
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Luke xxiii. 42, 43
... Sorrow, which they mis-call by the Name of Repentance. ... And yet, this Instance, of
the Thief on the Cross ... the fairest Opportunities of knowing the true Terms of ...
/.../sermon xvi luke xxiii 42.htm

The Dying Thief
... change the name, and the story is true about us. ... which makes the insurmountable obstacle
to all faith and repentance. ... way; and look at that poor thief that had ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture e/the dying thief.htm

The Penitent Thief
... and saying a few words of formal repentance, when perhaps ... True, they may receive
the due reward of their deeds ... end in shame and misery, like the penitent thief. ...
/.../kingsley/the good news of god/sermon xxxi the penitent thief.htm

For Godly Sorrow Worketh Repentance to Salvation, not to be ...
... The thief has not repented while he keeps the money he ... feel as if it was a great
cross to become ... Whereas, if they had true repentance, they would not think it ...
/.../lectures to professing christians/for godly sorrow worketh repentance.htm

... Faith sets repentance to work; it is like fire to the ... promises are not made to strong
faith, but to true. ... The thief on the cross, who was newly converted, was ...
// ten commandments/4 1 faith.htm

The Glory of Penitents and Pious People.
... of Jesus, she kissed them, and washed them with the tears of true repentance. ... whole
lives in sin, and who were saved, like the thief on the cross, by the ...
/.../boudreaux/the happiness of heaven/chapter xx the glory of.htm

Luke xxiii. 42, 43
... you that this Thief on the Cross, having sincerely ... from this Instance of the crucified
Thief: that God ... that they would work in us true Repentance and Amendment ...
/.../sermon xvii luke xxiii 42.htm

A Penitent Heart, the Best New Year's Gift
... Had you now a heart to turn from your sins unto the living God, by true and unfeigned
repentance, and to pray unto ... The thief upon the cross found mercy. ...
/.../whitefield/selected sermons of george whitefield/a penitent heart the best.htm

One of Paul's Thanksgivings
... great ways of writing, and it is only a true and a ... hearts, God takes our hand, and
we are in repentance, and in ... and said: "What do you say to the thief on the ...
/.../whyte/lord teach us to pray/xiii one of pauls thanksgivings.htm

The Believing Thief
... Put off repentance and faith; you may be forgiven on your death-bed." Sirs, you
know who it is that would ruin you by ... It is true that one thief was saved ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 35 1889/the believing thief.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Luke 23:40,41
But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Do not you fear God, seeing you are in the same condemnation?
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Repentance by the Operation of the Holy Spirit

Repentance by the Preaching of Haggai

Repentance by the Preaching of Oded

Repentance in Asking for a King

Repentance in the Time of Asa, by the Preaching of Azariah

Repentance of Their Idolatry, when Afflicted by the Philistines

Repentance of Worshiping the Golden Calf

Repentance: Achan, Because of his Theft

Repentance: After Hearing the Law Expounded by Ezra

Repentance: Ahab, when Reproved by Elijah for Ahab's Idolatry

Repentance: At the Dedication of the Second Temple

Repentance: Attributed to God

Repentance: Balaam, of his Spiritual Blindness

Repentance: Because of Their Idolatrous Marriages

Repentance: Because of Their Oppressive Usury

Repentance: Called Repentance to Life

Repentance: Called Repentance to Salvation

Repentance: Christ Came to Call Sinners To

Repentance: Christ Exalted to Give

Repentance: Commanded by Christ

Repentance: Commanded to all by God

Repentance: Condition of God's Favor

Repentance: Conviction of Sin Necessary To

Repentance: Danger of Neglecting

Repentance: David, at the Rebuke of Nathan, for his Sins of Adultery and Murder

Repentance: Denied to Apostates

Repentance: Exemplified

Repentance: Exhortation To

Repentance: Exhortations To

Repentance: False: Ahab

Repentance: False: Judas

Repentance: False: Saul

Repentance: Given by God

Repentance: Hezekiah, at the Time of his Sickness

Repentance: Illustrated

Repentance: Illustrated: Paul

Repentance: Illustrated: The Prodigal Son

Repentance: Illustrated: The Repentant Son

Repentance: Jehoahaz

Repentance: Jonah, After his Punishment

Repentance: Joseph's Brothers, of Their Maltreatment of Joseph

Repentance: Josiah, when he Heard the Law of God Which had been Discovered in the Temple by Hilkiah

Repentance: Judas

Repentance: Manasseh, when he Was Carried Away Captive to Babylon by the King of Assyria

Repentance: Ministers should Rejoice Over Their People on Their

Repentance: Necessary to the Pardon of Sin

Repentance: Neglect of, Followed by Swift Judgment

Repentance: Not to be Repented of

Repentance: Peter, Because of his Denial of Jesus

Repentance: Pharaoh, of his Hardness of Heart

Repentance: Preached by Christ

Repentance: Preached by John the Baptist

Repentance: Preached by the Apostles

Repentance: Preached in the Name of Christ

Repentance: Rehoboam, when his Kingdom Was Invaded, and Jerusalem Was Besieged

Repentance: Repentance of Their Complaining Because of Lack of Bread and Water

Repentance: Saul, at the Rebuke of Samuel for not Destroying the Amalekites

Repentance: should be Accompanied by Confession

Repentance: should be Accompanied by Conversion

Repentance: should be Accompanied by Faith

Repentance: should be Accompanied by Greater Zeal in the Path of Duty

Repentance: should be Accompanied by Humility

Repentance: should be Accompanied by Prayer

Repentance: should be Accompanied by Self-Abhorrence

Repentance: should be Accompanied by Shame and Confusion

Repentance: should be Accompanied by Turning from Idolatry

Repentance: should be Accompanied by Turning from Sin

Repentance: should be Evidenced by Fruits

Repentance: The Burden of the Preaching of Jesus

Repentance: The Burden of the Preaching of John the Baptist

Repentance: The Disobedient Son

Repentance: The Ephesians, by the Preaching of Paul

Repentance: The Jews, by the Preaching of John the Baptist

Repentance: The Ninevites, by the Preaching of Jonah

Repentance: The Present Time the Season For

Repentance: The Prodigal Son

Repentance: The Wicked: Averse To

Repentance: The Wicked: Condemned for Neglecting

Repentance: The Wicked: Neglect the Time Given For

Repentance: The Wicked: Not Led to by the Judgments of God

Repentance: The Wicked: Not Led To, by Miraculous Interference

Repentance: The Woman Who Anointed Jesus With Oil

Repentance: There is Joy in Heaven Over One Sinner Brought To

Repentance: True: Corinthians

Repentance: True: David

Repentance: True: Israelites

Repentance: True: Job

Repentance: True: Manasseh

Repentance: True: Nineveh

Repentance: True: Peter

Repentance: True: Thief on the Cross

Repentance: True: Zacchaeus

Repentance: Unavailing: To Esau

Repentance: Unavailing: To Israel

Repentance: Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

Repentance: Under the Influence of Hezekiah

Repentance: we should be Led To, by Godly Sorrow Works

Repentance: we should be Led To, by The Chastisements of God

Repentance: we should be Led To, by The Goodness of God

Repentance: we should be Led To, by The Patience of God

Repentance: What It Is

Repentance: when Rebuked by an Angel for not Expelling the Canaanites

Repentance: when Reproved by the Prophet Micah

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