Prudence: They Who Have: Deal With Knowledge
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Christian Benevolence of Atticus Bishop of Constantinople. He ...
... manner; administering all things with prudence, and inciting ... Moreover he manifested
a great deal of taste ... church a long while ago, they have never introduced ...
/.../chapter xxv christian benevolence of atticus.htm

A Paradox
... themselves singularly strong in the matter of wisdom and prudence. ... evident, upon
the face of it, that they must have ... I have brought out the "when." Now lend me ...
/...// sermons volume 34 1888/a paradox.htm

On the Feast of a Holy Bishop
... humbled Himself, even unto Death, to gain us strength, knowledge, prudence, and
many ... old, and we shall be anxious to teach them, they will have become so ...
// inner way/sermon xxxii on the feast.htm

Jewish Rejecters and Gentile Receivers
... If their own safety had been in question, they might have fled; but they could not ...
A heroic prudence should ever accompany a trustful daring, and both are ...
/.../jewish rejecters and gentile receivers.htm

The Church and the Young Man.
... Strictly enforce the rules which Christian prudence lays down for the use ... Yes, brethren,
they have. ... of manly honor and integrity, call to us, deal gently with ...
/.../vincent/amusement a force in christian training/the church and the young.htm

The Spirit of Whitsuntide.
... counsel and might," that is, the spirit of prudence and practical ... said or done an
unwise thing; I have more or ... of the fear of the Lord." Ay, they, indeed, both ...
/.../kingsley/westminster sermons/sermon iii the spirit of.htm

the Nature of this Oversight
... How often have carnal hearers gone home jeering at the ... if we fail through weakness,
how will they exult over us ... of holy skill and ability, of prudence and other ...
// reformed pastor/section 1 the nature.htm

'Make us a King'
... We rather pride ourselves on our prudence, when we should be ashamed of ... Deuteronomy
17:14, etc.), and the elders may have thought that they were only ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/make us a king.htm

Some General Uses from this Useful Truth, that Christ is the Truth ...
... verse 8. "He is wisdom, and dwelleth with prudence, and findeth ... for the truth, when
enemies do what they can to ... It is comfortable to know, we have the Truth to ...
/.../brown/christ the way the truth and the life/chapter xii some general uses.htm

Marks of a True Conversion
... but God has not given me prudence." Therefore, when ... Then deal with God as your little
children do with ... but has prayed for great humility; they have prayed for ...
/.../whitefield/selected sermons of george whitefield/marks of a true conversion.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Proverbs 13:16
Every prudent man deals with knowledge: but a fool lays open his folly.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Prudence in Avoiding his Enemies

Prudence in Charging Those Who Were Healed not to "Advertise" his Miracles

Prudence in Circumcising Timothy

Prudence in Performing Temple Rites

Prudence in Turning the Jewish Sects Against Each Other

Prudence in Walking "No Longer Openly"

Prudence of the Wicked: Defeated by God

Prudence of the Wicked: Denounced by God

Prudence of the Wicked: Fails in Times of Perplexity

Prudence of the Wicked: Keeps Them from the Knowledge of the Gospel

Prudence of the Wicked: Necessity For-Illustrated

Prudence: Abigail

Prudence: Abigail, in Averting David's Anger

Prudence: Achish, in Dismissing David

Prudence: Aged Counsellors of Rehoboam

Prudence: Avoiding Suspicion in Administering the Gifts of the Congregations

Prudence: Certain Elders of Israel

Prudence: Daniel

Prudence: David

Prudence: David, in his Conduct Toward Saul

Prudence: David, in Overthrowing Ahithophel's Shrewd Advice

Prudence: Elijah, in his Escape from Jezebel

Prudence: Exemplified by Christ

Prudence: Exhibited in the Manifestation of God's Grace

Prudence: Gamaliel

Prudence: General Scriptures Concerning

Prudence: Gideon

Prudence: Going to the Feast Secretly

Prudence: His Lack of

Prudence: Intimately Connected With Wisdom

Prudence: Jacob

Prudence: Jacob, in his Conduct Toward Esau

Prudence: Jacob, Toward his Sons, After Dinah's Defilement

Prudence: Jehoram, in Suspecting a Syrian Stratagem

Prudence: Jethro

Prudence: Jethro's Advice to Moses

Prudence: Joseph

Prudence: Joseph, in his Conduct Toward Mary

Prudence: Joseph, in the Affairs of Egypt

Prudence: Nehemiah

Prudence: Nehemiah, in Conduct of Affairs at Jerusalem

Prudence: Paul

Prudence: Paul and Barnabas, in Escaping Persecution

Prudence: Paul and Silas, in Escaping from Berea

Prudence: Peter, in Escaping from Herod Agrippa I

Prudence: Rehoboam's Advisers

Prudence: Saints Act With

Prudence: Saints should Especially Exercise, in Their Intercourse With

Prudence: Saul, in not Killing the Jabesh-Gileadites

Prudence: Sergius Paulus

Prudence: Solomon

Prudence: The Israelites, in the Threatened War With the Two and One-Half Tribes

Prudence: The Poor Wise Man

Prudence: The Scribe

Prudence: The Town Clerk of Ephesus, in Averting a Riot

Prudence: The Wise Celebrated For

Prudence: The Young should Cultivate

Prudence: They Who Have are Preserved by It

Prudence: They Who Have: Crowned With Knowledge

Prudence: They Who Have: Deal With Knowledge

Prudence: They Who Have: Foresee and Avoid Evil

Prudence: They Who Have: Get Knowledge

Prudence: They Who Have: Keep Silence in the Evil Time

Prudence: They Who Have: Look Well to Their Goings

Prudence: They Who Have: Not Ostentatious of Knowledge

Prudence: They Who Have: Regard Reproof

Prudence: They Who Have: Suppress Angry Feelings

Prudence: They Who Have: Understand the Ways of God

Prudence: They Who Have: Understand Their own Ways

Prudence: Virtuous Wives Act With

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