Preciousness of Christ: Illustrated
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Jesus Christ, the Divine Teacher of Prayer
... of prayer to God's work and God's rule in this world is most fully illustrated by
Jesus Christ in both His ... The golden crown is His in eminent preciousness. ...
/.../bounds/the reality of prayer/v jesus christ the divine.htm

Particular Index of Subjects.
... his preaching, 217. his preciousness, 436, 512. ... to the poor, 765. Kingdom of Christ,
213, 284, 286, 288, 289, 298, 304, 311, 312, 322. ... illustrated, 519. ...
/.../adams/hymns for christian devotion/particular index of subjects.htm

"Peace, be Still"
... The exceeding preciousness of the truths He taught had been illustrated by the ... by
faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." "The work of ...
// desire of ages/chapter 35 peace be still.htm

Precious Deaths
... pot, it will lose none of its preciousness, it will ... die as a dear brother in Christ
died, who ... precious attributes are in dying moments gloriously illustrated. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 18 1872/precious deaths.htm

The Spiced Wine of My Pomegranate;
... in earnest acknowledge the fellowship which was illustrated in the ... former poverty
to teach thee the preciousness of the ... Christ is the only Zoar in which God's ...
// he come/the spiced wine of my.htm

... of the spring, or more richly illustrated than his ... of Arianism, to see more clearly
the preciousness of the ... upon, we must remember that Christ's mere humanity ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/preface.htm

Sovereign Grace and Man's Responsibility
... notice the sovereignty of Divine grace as illustrated in the ... Mark the parable of
Jesus Christ concerning the lost ... he must have shown me his preciousness, or I ...
/.../spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/sovereign grace and mans responsibility.htm

The Prodigal Son.
... made by Stier regarding the peculiar fulness and preciousness of this ... in that while
we were yet sinners, Christ died for ... [85] This law may be illustrated by an ...
/.../ parables of our lord/xxiv the prodigal son.htm

The Teacher Come from God and the Teacher from Jerusalem - Jesus ...
... follows [1848] are not the words of Christ, but of St ... In the Gift, unutterable in
its preciousness, he now sees ... This is illustrated by the history of Israel at ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter vi the teacher come.htm

Christian Devotedness, Etc.
... other, is strongly enforced, and beautifully illustrated by St. ... extension of the
spirit of Christ's Kingdom be ... testimony and to whom it owes its preciousness. ...
/.../groves/christian devotedness/christian devotedness etc.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Songs 2:3
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Songs 5:10-16
My beloved is white and ruddy, the most chief among ten thousand.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Matthew 13:44-46
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like to treasure hid in a field; the which when a man has found, he hides, and for joy thereof goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Preciousness of Christ: As the Corner-Stone of the Church

Preciousness of Christ: As the Source of all Grace

Preciousness of Christ: Illustrated

Preciousness of Christ: On Account of His: Atonement

Preciousness of Christ: On Account of His: Care and Tenderness

Preciousness of Christ: On Account of His: Excellence and Grace

Preciousness of Christ: On Account of His: Goodness and Beauty

Preciousness of Christ: On Account of His: Name

Preciousness of Christ: On Account of His: Promises

Preciousness of Christ: On Account of His: Words

Preciousness of Christ: To God

Preciousness of Christ: To Saints

Preciousness of Christ: Unsearchable

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