Patience: To be Exercised: Tribulation
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Prayer and Trouble (Continued)
... joy when we are called to pass through tribulation. ... is the presence in us of patience,
meekness, submission ... of righteousness to them which are exercised thereby ...
/.../bounds/the essentials of prayer/vi prayer and trouble continued.htm

November 7 Evening
... knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience ... unto them which
are exercised thereby."My ... that the trying of your faith worketh patience. ...
/.../anonymous/daily light on the daily path/november 7 evening.htm

Of Bearing the Cross --One Branch of Self-Denial.
... tells us that our faith is proved by tribulation, just as ... Hence we see that all are
not exercised with the ... And yet the exhortation to patience is not to be ...
/.../sergieff/on the christian life/chapter iii of bearing the.htm

Letter xiii. --(For 341. ) Coss. Marcellinus, Probinus; Præf. ...
... known that tribulation perfecteth patience, and patience experience, and experience
hope, and hope maketh not ashamed,' they would have exercised themselves ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/letter xiii for 341 coss marcellinus.htm

Of Bearing the Cross --One Branch of Self-Denial.
... tells us that our faith is proved by tribulation, just as ... Hence we see that all are
not exercised with the ... And yet the exhortation to patience is not to be ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 8 of bearing the.htm

Constant, Instant, Expectant
... he gives us the cool antidote, "Patient in tribulation." Either of ... As for "patience,"
how can we be patient if we ... Prayer is to be exercised in all things, for ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 25 1879/constant instant expectant.htm

... each man is humbled by some tribulation or mortification ... pride deserved; or when
he is exercised and proved ... comfort, in these words: "In your patience shall ye ...
// on the book of psalms/zain.htm

One of the Duties of Fortitude is to Keep the Weak from Receiving ...
... [268] Nor is the law of courage exercised in causing ... does that call to fortitude
seem to thee but a poor one: "Tribulation worketh patience, and patience ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter xxxvi one of the.htm

July 24 Morning
... righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby."Strengthened ... glorious power,
unto all patience and longsuffering ... world ye shall have tribulation: but be ...
/.../anonymous/daily light on the daily path/july 24 morning.htm

January 21 Morning
... We glory in tribulations: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience,
experience; and ... righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. ...
/.../anonymous/daily light on the daily path/january 21 morning.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Luke 21:19
In your patience possess you your souls.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Romans 12:12
Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Patience: Abraham

Patience: Christ, an Example of

Patience: Commended

Patience: David

Patience: Enjoined

Patience: Exercise, Towards All

Patience: General Scriptures Concerning

Patience: God, is the God of

Patience: Illustrated

Patience: Isaac Toward the People of Gerar

Patience: Job

Patience: John

Patience: Ministers Approved By

Patience: Ministers should Follow After

Patience: Moses

Patience: Necessary to the Inheritance of the Promises

Patience: Paul

Patience: Produces Experience

Patience: Produces Hope

Patience: Prophets

Patience: Saints Strengthened to All

Patience: should be Accompanied by Faith

Patience: should be Accompanied by Godliness

Patience: should be Accompanied by Joyfulness

Patience: should be Accompanied by Long-Suffering

Patience: should be Accompanied by Temperance

Patience: should Have Its Perfect Work

Patience: Simeon

Patience: Suffering With, for Well-Doing, is Acceptable With God

Patience: The Congregation at Ephesus

Patience: The Congregation at Thyatira

Patience: The Prophets

Patience: The Thessalonian Christians

Patience: They Who are in Authority, should Exercise

Patience: To be Exercised: Bearing the Yoke

Patience: To be Exercised: Bringing Forth Fruits

Patience: To be Exercised: Running the Race Set Before Us

Patience: To be Exercised: Tribulation

Patience: To be Exercised: Waiting for Christ

Patience: To be Exercised: Waiting for God

Patience: To be Exercised: Waiting for God's Salvation

Patience: To be Exercised: Waiting for the Hope of the Gospel

Patience: To be Exercised: Well-Doing

Patience: Trials of Saints Lead To

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