Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Bring Them to Christ
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The Great Duty of Family Religion
... us in holy writ, than this duty of catechizing ... words diligently unto thy children."
And parents are commanded ... New Testament, to "bring up their children in the ...
/.../whitefield/selected sermons of george whitefield/the great duty of family.htm

On Obedience to Parents
... Either she is ignorant of her own or her child's duty, or she has not ... I am pained
continually at seeing religious parents suffer their children to run ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 96 on obedience to.htm

Thoughts Upon Christian Education.
... themselves, this is as great and necessary a Duty as any ... For God himself by his Apostle,
expresly commands all Parents to bring up their Children in the ...
/.../private thoughts upon a christian life/thoughts upon christian education.htm

The Duty of the People of God to Excite Others to Seek this Rest.
... with this earnest request to all Christian parents that read ... not be charged before
God as murderers of their souls, nor ... know it to be so great a duty, you are ...
/.../baxter/the saints everlasting rest/chapter ix the duty of.htm

... is trying to make look so ugly, is duty to a ... It is God's will that these children
should be confirmed ... hearts of your godchildren, and of their parents also; and ...
/...// for the times/sermon v sponsorship.htm

The Relation of Home to the Church.
... relations of home involve the duty of parents to train up their children for efficient ...
so its moral and religious relations involve the duty of education ...
/.../philips/the christian home/chapter iv the relation of.htm

Home as a Stewardship.
... soul for heaven is both the duty and the ... contract their whole existence, and all
their capacities, desires ... We would direct the attention of such parents to our ...
// christian home/chapter vi home as a.htm

Duty and Superstition
... its own sake, and therefore to feel it his Duty. ... I say that we cannot watch our children
without seeing ... them generally, more than in us their parents, a Spirit ...
/.../kingsley/sermons for the times/sermon vii duty and superstition.htm

A God in Pain
... diseased people, they were born in sin: either they or their parents had sinned. ...
own will and pleasure for the sake of doing their duty in their calling, as ...
// good news of god/sermon xxxv a god in.htm

Christian Baptism.
... its inherent worth, not because of a duty and privilege ... Why do many parents have
their children baptized ... Because they wish to express their vows of dedication in ...
/.../philips/the christian home/chapter xi christian baptism.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 19:13,14
Then were there brought to him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.
Torrey's Topical Textbook




Parents: Bad - Exemplified: Athaliah

Parents: Bad - Exemplified: Eli

Parents: Bad - Exemplified: Herodias

Parents: Bad - Exemplified: Manasseh

Parents: Bad - Exemplified: Mother of Micah

Parents: Bad - Exemplified: Saul

Parents: Covenant, Benefits of, Entailed on Children

Parents: Curses Entailed

Parents: Good - Exemplified: Abraham

Parents: Good - Exemplified: David

Parents: Good - Exemplified: Hannah

Parents: Good - Exemplified: Jacob

Parents: Good - Exemplified: Job

Parents: Good - Exemplified: Joseph

Parents: Good - Exemplified: Lois and Eunice

Parents: Good - Exemplified: Manoah

Parents: Good - Exemplified: Mother of Lemuel

Parents: Good - Exemplified: Mother of Moses

Parents: Good - Exemplified: Nobleman

Parents: Good - Exemplified: Shunammite

Parents: Indulgent: David

Parents: Indulgent: Eli

Parents: Involved in Children's Wickedness

Parents: Negligence of, Sorely Punished

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by David

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Father of the Demoniac

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Hagar

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Hannah

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Isaac

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Isaac and Rebekah

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Jacob

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Jairus

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Laban

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Mary

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Moses' Mother

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Naomi

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Rebekah's Mother

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by Rizpah

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by The Nobleman

Parents: Parental Affection Exemplified by The True Mother of the Infant Brought to Solomon

Parents: Partiality of Isaac for Esau

Parents: Partiality of Jacob for Benjamin

Parents: Partiality of Jacob for Joseph

Parents: Partiality of Rebekah for Jacob

Parents: Paternal Blessings of Abraham

Parents: Paternal Blessings of Isaac

Parents: Paternal Blessings of Jacob

Parents: Paternal Blessings of Noah

Parents: Paternal Reproaches

Parents: Prayers on Behalf of Children of David

Parents: Prayers on Behalf of Children of Hannah

Parents: Prayers on Behalf of Children of Job

Parents: Receive Their Children from God

Parents: should Pray for Their Children for Their Spiritual Welfare

Parents: should Pray for Their Children: when in Sickness

Parents: should Pray for Their Children: when in Temptation

Parents: Sins of, Visited on Their Children

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: Not to Make Unholy Connections for Them

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: Not to Provoke Them

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Bless Them

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Bring Them to Christ

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Command Them to Obey God

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Correct Them

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Instruct Them in God's Word

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Love Them

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Pity Them

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Provide for Them

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Rule Them

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Tell Them of God's Judgments

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Tell Them of the Miraculous Works of God

Parents: Their Duty to Their Children Is: To Train Them up for God

Parents: Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

Parents: when Faithful are Blessed by Their Children

Parents: when Faithful: Leave a Blessing to Their Children

Parents: when Wicked: Instruct Their Children in Evil

Parents: when Wicked: Set a Bad Example to Their Children

Parents: Wicked Children, a Cause of Grief To

Role of Parents

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