Houses: Built of Bricks
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The Two Houses
... II. Let me say a word, in the next place, about the two houses. ... that the house is
built up by slow degrees, brick upon brick ... Very small bricks make a large house ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture a/the two houses.htm

... place there years after he who made the bricks was dead ... a master in his native town;
he built, house after house, a whole street of houses; there they ...
/.../ stories and religious classics/something.htm

The Secret of Its Greatness
... up another of its secrets"the ruins of Pithom were found, buried deep in the dust;
and the remains of great store-houses built of rough bricks, mixed with ...
/.../duff/the bible in its making/chapter ii the secret of.htm

The Sack of Rome
... The red bricks of the enclosure and the fresh mason-work of the towers ... as to capture
the shipping between the capital and the great store-houses built near the ...
// augustin/i the sack of rome.htm

'the Angel Adjutant'
... The bricks are crusted, and in a dull fashion shiny with ... A mortuary chapel has had
to be built for this ... The rooms of the houses are so crowded that directly a ...
/.../carpenter/the angel adjutant of twice born men/x the angel adjutant.htm

Arrival at Benares.
... humble chapel, built of sun-dried bricks, in which ... mosques, especially those of the
mosque built by Aurungzeb ... stretching away for miles, and the houses on the ...
/.../chapter iii arrival at benares.htm

Sargon of Assyria (722-705 BC )
... The houses on either side of them seem, for the most part, to have consisted of
a single story. They were built of bricks, either baked or unbaked, the outer ...
/.../chapter iiisargon of assyria 722-705.htm

Of Removing Tithes.
... is, because such trees are employed to build houses; and houses, when built, are
not ... Nor for wood for burning of bricks for repairing the house of the ...
/.../prideaux/directions to church-wardens/8 of removing tithes.htm

To the Rev. A. Brandram
... and the houses low, small and mean. The principal mosque, or jamma [djmah] is rather
a handsome edifice, and its tower, or sumah, which is built of bricks of ...
/.../borrow/letters of george borrow/to the rev a brandram 62.htm

Sharon. Caphar Lodim. The Village of those of Lydda.
... from the war, if they had built a new ... the Jerusalem Gemara), "because they repaired
their houses within seven ... whose ground was not fit for bricks: and therefore ...
/.../lightfoot/from the talmud and hebraica/chapter 17 sharon caphar lodim.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Exodus 1:11-14
Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Isaiah 9:10
The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Houses for Summer Residence

Houses in Cities, Built in Streets

Houses of Brick or Clay: Easily Broken Through

Houses of Brick or Clay: Often Swept Away by Torrents

Houses of Brick or Clay: Plastered

Houses of Criminals, Desolated

Houses of Saints' Inheritance

Houses of the Body

Houses of the Church

Houses of the Grave

Houses of the Rich: Goodly

Houses of the Rich: Great

Houses of the Rich: Pleasant

Houses were Hired

Houses were Mortgaged

Houses were Sold

Houses: (Building of) of Great Prosperity

Houses: (Built and not Inhabited) of Calamity

Houses: (Insecurity of) of Earthly Trust

Houses: (On a Rock) the Hope of Saints

Houses: (On Sand) the Delusive Hope of Hypocrites

Houses: (To Inhabit Those, Built by Others) Abundant Feelings

Houses: Accessible from the Outside

Houses: Admission To, Gained by Knocking at the Door

Houses: Antiquity of

Houses: Apartments of, Were often: Ceiled and Painted

Houses: Apartments of, Were often: Hung With Rich Tapestries

Houses: Apartments of, Were often: Inlaid With Ivory

Houses: Apartments of, Were often: Large and Airy

Houses: Apartments of, Were often: Warmed With Fires

Houses: Built of Bricks

Houses: Built of Clay

Houses: Built of Hewn or Cut Stone

Houses: Built of Stone and Wood

Houses: Custom of Fastening Nails, in Walls of, Alluded To

Houses: Deep and Solid Foundations Required For

Houses: Desolation of, Threatened As a Punishment

Houses: Divided Into Apartments

Houses: Doors of, How Fastened

Houses: Doors of, Low and Small for Safety

Houses: Entered by a Gate or Door

Houses: had often Detached Apartments for Secrecy and for Strangers

Houses: had often Several Stories

Houses: Law Respecting the Sale of

Houses: Liable to Leprosy

Houses: Lighted by Windows

Houses: Not to be Coveted

Houses: Often Broken Down to Repair City Walls Before Sieges

Houses: Often Built on City Walls

Houses: Serpents often Lodged in Walls of

Houses: Sometimes Built Without Foundation

Houses: Street Windows of, High and Dangerous

Houses: The Courts of, Large and Used As Apartments

Houses: The Flat Roofs of had often Booths on Them

Houses: The Flat Roofs of had often Idolatrous Altars on Them

Houses: The Flat Roofs of Often Covered With Week Grass

Houses: The Flat Roofs of Resorted to in Grief

Houses: The Flat Roofs of Surrounded With Battlements

Houses: The Flat Roofs of Used for Devotion

Houses: The Flat Roofs of Used for Drying Flax

Houses: The Flat Roofs of Used for Exercise

Houses: The Flat Roofs of Used for Making Proclamations

Houses: The Flat Roofs of Used for Secret Conference

Houses: Upper Apartments of, the Best, and Used for Entertainments

Houses: Walls of, Plastered

Houses: when Finished Were Usually Dedicated

Renting: Houses

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