Gates of Jerusalem: Gate of Ephraim
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Overcoming Great Difficulties
... And I said to them, "Let not the gates of Jerusalem ... one out of every ten should live
in Jerusalem, the sacred ... to the broad wall and above the Gate of Ephraim ...
/.../sherman/the childrens bible/overcoming great difficulties.htm

Journey to Jericho. --The Healing of Blind Bartimeus. (Matt. ,
... through Jericho on his direct way from Galilee to Jerusalem. ... man joined the procession
at the gate and went ... blind beggars to sit at the gates.) This supposition ...
/.../section 236 journey to jericho the.htm

The Strait Gate;
... A gate, you know, is of a double use. ... to let in or to keep out; and to do both these
at the season; as he said, "Let not the gates of Jerusalem be opened ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the strait gate.htm

From the Talmud and Hebraica
... Chapters 21-30. Chapter 21 Jerusalem. ... Chapter 30 The Gate of Nicanor, or the East
Gate of the Court of Israel. ... Chapter 32 The Gates and Doors on the North Side. ...
// the talmud and hebraica/

The Holy City; Or, the New Jerusalem:
... and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending
out ... And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, every several gate was of ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the holy city or the.htm

The Jerusalem Sinner Saved;
... one sets his foot over the threshold of hell gate. ... thee, Come hither; and the devil,
at the gates of hell ... once, and twice, and thrice, to these Jerusalem sinners ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the jerusalem sinner saved.htm

Beginning at Jerusalem. --Luke xxiv. 47.
... see so vile a one knock at heaven-gates for mercy ... Even idolatrous Ephraim, and
backsliding Judah; ver.13 ... him a glorious church out of bloody Jerusalem, yea, out ...
/.../bunyan/jerusalem sinner saved/beginning at jerusalem luke xxiv 47.htm

The Life, as Amplified by Mediaeval Biographers.
... The first person whom he encountered at the gate was a harlot. ... and Jews, seized him
and drew him outside the gates, stoned him and ... Of the Jerusalem in heaven!". ...
/.../hymns and homilies of ephraim the syrian/iii the life as amplified by.htm

Jesus About his Father's Business
... and denounces the men who shut up the gates of heaven ... on the day when he rode into
Jerusalem upon a ... Thou shalt find the door of heaven's gate not creaking on ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 6 1860/jesus about his fathers business.htm

Tiglath-Pileser iii. And the Organisation of the Assyrian Empire ...
... when they sat as a jury "at the gate."*** From top ... be, to the walls of Samaria or
even of Jerusalem itself ... of surprise, the town threw open its gates before him ...
/.../chapter iitiglath-pileser iii and the.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Nehemiah 12:39
And from above the gate of Ephraim, and above the old gate, and above the fish gate, and the tower of Hananeel, and the tower of Meah, even to the sheep gate: and they stood still in the prison gate.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Gates of Christ

Gates of Cities

Gates of Cities: Battering Rams Used Against

Gates of Cities: Chief Places of Concourse

Gates of Cities: Chief Points of Attack in War

Gates of Cities: Conferences Held At

Gates of Cities: Councils of State Held At

Gates of Cities: Courts of Justice Held At

Gates of Cities: Criminals Punished At

Gates of Cities: Custom of Sitting At, in the Evening, Alluded To

Gates of Cities: Experienced officers Placed Over

Gates of Cities: Idolatrous Rites Performed At

Gates of Cities: Land Redeemed At

Gates of Cities: Land Sold At

Gates of Cities: Markets Held At

Gates of Cities: Often Razed and Burned

Gates of Cities: Proclamations Made At

Gates of Cities: Public Censure Passed At

Gates of Cities: Public Commendation Given At

Gates of Cities: Shut at Night-Fall

Gates of Cities: Troops Reviewed At, Going to War

Gates of Death

Gates of Hell

Gates of Jerusalem: Corner Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Dung Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Fish Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Gate of Ephraim

Gates of Jerusalem: Gate of Miphkad

Gates of Jerusalem: Gate of the Fountain

Gates of Jerusalem: High Gate of Benjamin

Gates of Jerusalem: Horse Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Old Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Sheep Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Valley Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Water Gate

Gates of Righteousness

Gates of Salvation

Gates of the Gospel

Gates of the Grave

Gates of the People of a City

Gates of the Powers of Hell (Hades)

Gates of the Temple: Called Gates of Righteousness

Gates of the Temple: Called Gates of the Lord

Gates of the Temple: Called Gates of Zion

Gates of the Temple: Charge of, Given by Lot

Gates of the Temple: Frequented by Beggars

Gates of the Temple: Levites the Porters of

Gates of the Temple: One Specially Beautiful

Gates of the Temple: Overlaid With Gold

Gates of the Temple: The Pious Israelites Delighted to Enter

Gates of the Temple: The Treasury Placed At

Gates: (Of Heaven) Access to God

Gates: (Of Hell) Satan's Power

Gates: (Of the Grave) Death

Gates: (Strait) the Entrance to Life

Gates: (Wide) the Entrance to Ruin

Gates: Bodies of Criminals Exposed to View At

Gates: Carcase of Sin-Offering Burned Without

Gates: Closed at Night

Gates: Closed on the Sabbath

Gates: Conferences on Public Affairs

Gates: Criminals Generally Punished Without

Gates: Design of

Gates: Double Doors

Gates: Fastened With Bars of Iron

Gates: Guards At

Gates: Holding Courts of Justice

Gates: Jails Made in the Towers of

Gates: Made of Brass

Gates: Made of Iron

Gates: Made of Wood

Gates: Made to Camps

Gates: Made to Cities

Gates: Made to Houses

Gates: Made to Palaces

Gates: Made to Prisons

Gates: Made to Rivers

Gates: Made to Temples

Gates: Often Two-Leaved

Gates: Place for Public Concourse

Gates: Punishment of Criminals Outside of

Gates: Religious Services Held At

Gates: Symbolical

Gates: The Law Read At

Gates: The Open Square of, a Place for Idlers

Gates: The Place for the Transaction of Public Business, Announcement of Legal Transactions

Gates: Thrones of Kings At

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