Covenants: Names Given to Places where Made
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Names and External Form of the Old Testament
... The transfer of these terms from the covenants themselves to ... we now have them; for
the names of which ... arrangements, Masoretic and Talmudic, are given, which it ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xiii names and external.htm

The Doctrine of the Scriptures.
... the divine Scriptures, the so-called Old and New Covenants.". ... the very words of
Scripture were given by the ... the minuteness and detail as to names, times and ...
/.../evans/the great doctrines of the bible/the doctrine of the scriptures.htm

Ceremonies of Baptism and Chrism.
... The use of the three Holy Names was made ... Apostolical Constitutions [211] : "This
baptism is given into the ... ointment is the seal of the covenants [213] ," that ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/chapter iv ceremonies of baptism and.htm

The Book of Jubilees
... The feast of Pentecost dates from the covenants made by God ... their sisters as wives;
and the names of the ... of all the chief patriarchs are carefully given as if ...
// book of jubilees.htm

Letter Lv. Replies to Questions of Januarius.
... Mount Sinai, and the rivers of which the names are given ... is said, with allusion to
the two covenants, "Give a ... 1841] is the only one which is given complete in ...
/.../augustine/the confessions and letters of st/letter lv replies to questions.htm

Mormonites, or the Church of the Latter-Day Saints.
... The following are the names of the different books ... In a volume entitled "Doctrine
and Covenants," are a ... The following extracts from a revelation given on the ...
/.../hayward/the book of religions/mormonites or the church of.htm

The Preface
... government, refusing all church-standards, "covenants, creeds and ... works[24]."That
which is given in their ... from whom it was extracted, their names should have ...
/.../howie/biographia scoticana scots worthies/the preface.htm

The Blood of the Covenant
... our Lord Jesus"ours because he has given himself to us ... Other names may have small
significance, but in the ... In olden times when men made covenants the one with ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 20 1874/the blood of the covenant.htm

Joshua's Conquest.
... to their permanent home, they have been given a place ... worshiped at different places
under different names, but everywhere ... (3) God keeps his covenants in spite ...
/.../tidwell/the bible period by period/chapter viii joshuas conquest.htm

Chapter xxvi
... The customary thing in making covenants, apparently, was a ... Moses, why should He not
employ names familiar from ... most appropriately grows out of a given situation ...
/...// of genesis volume 1/chapter xxvi.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 21:31
Why he called that place Beersheba; because there they swore both of them.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Genesis 31:47-49
And Laban called it Jegarsahadutha: but Jacob called it Galeed.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Covenants of God's Promises to Man

Covenants of Good Resolutions

Covenants of the Contract of Marriage

Covenants of the United Determination of a People to Serve God

Covenants: (With Death and Hell) Carnal Security

Covenants: (With Stones and Beasts, of the Earth) Peace

Covenants: Agreements Between Two Parties

Covenants: Conditions of Clearly Specified

Covenants: Conditions of Conformed by Oath

Covenants: Conditions of Witnessed

Covenants: Conditions of Written and Sealed

Covenants: Designed For: Establishing Friendship

Covenants: Designed For: Establishing Peace

Covenants: Designed For: Mutual Protection

Covenants: Designed For: Procuring Assistance in War

Covenants: Designed For: Promoting Commerce

Covenants: Designed For: Selling Land

Covenants: Followed by a Feast

Covenants: God often Called to Witness

Covenants: Made by Passing Between the Pieces of the Divided Sacrifices

Covenants: Names Given to Places where Made

Covenants: Pillars Raised in Token of

Covenants: Presents Given As Tokens

Covenants: Ratified by Joining Hands

Covenants: Salt a Sign of Perpetuity In

Covenants: The Jews: Condemned for Making, With Idolatrous Nations

Covenants: The Jews: Forbidden to Make, With the Nations of Canaan

Covenants: The Jews: Frequently Made With Other Nations

Covenants: The Jews: Regarded, As Sacred

Covenants: Violated by the Wicked

Covenants: when Confirmed, Unalterable

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