Copper Brass: Made Into: Helmets
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The Rise of the Assyrian Empire
... the Achaean coast itself, Tamassos near the copper-mines, and ... while the rest either
fell gradually into the hands ... for the good fortune which had made them see ...
/.../chapter iithe rise of the.htm

The Medes and the Second Chaldaean Empire
... The mountains contained copper, iron, lead, some gold ... in pursuit of the Cimmerians,
made their appearance ... themselves through the Caspian Gates into the basin ...
/.../chapter iiithe medes and the.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Samuel 17:5
And he had an helmet of brass on his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail; and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of brass.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Brass of Syria

Brass: A Mineral of Canaan

Brass: Abundance of, for the Temple

Brass: Alexander

Brass: Articles Made of Altar, Vessels, and Other Articles of the Tabernacle and Temple

Brass: Articles Made of Armor

Brass: Articles Made of Bars

Brass: Articles Made of Cymbals

Brass: Articles Made of Fetters

Brass: Articles Made of Gates

Brass: Articles Made of Household Vessels

Brass: Articles Made of Idols

Brass: Articles Made of Mirrors

Brass: Articles Made of Money

Brass: Articles Made of Trumpets

Brass: Figurative

Brass: Hiram

Brass: Smelted

Brass: Tyrians Traded In

Brass: Workers in Tubal-Cain

Copper Brass: Antiquity of Working In

Copper Brass: Canaan Abounded In

Copper Brass: Characterised by Fusibility

Copper Brass: Characterised by Hardness

Copper Brass: Characterised by Sonorousness

Copper Brass: Characterised by Strength

Copper Brass: Characterised by Yellow Colour

Copper Brass: Coined fMoney

Copper Brass: Collected by David fthe Temple

Copper Brass: Dug out of the Mountains

Copper Brass: Extensive Commerce In

Copper Brass: Extreme Drought

Copper Brass: Inferiin Value to Gold and Silver

Copper Brass: Macedonian Empire

Copper Brass: Made Into: Altars

Copper Brass: Made Into: Bars fGates

Copper Brass: Made Into: Fetters

Copper Brass: Made Into: Gates

Copper Brass: Made Into: Greaves fthe Legs

Copper Brass: Made Into: Helmets

Copper Brass: Made Into: Household Vessels

Copper Brass: Made Into: Idols

Copper Brass: Made Into: Instruments of Music

Copper Brass: Made Into: Lavers

Copper Brass: Made Into: Mirrors

Copper Brass: Made Into: Pillars

Copper Brass: Made Into: Sacred Vessels

Copper Brass: Made Into: Shields

Copper Brass: Made Into: Sockets fPillars

Copper Brass: Moses Made the Serpent of

Copper Brass: Obstinate Sinners

Copper Brass: Offerings of, fthe Tabernacle

Copper Brass: Offerings of, fthe Temple

Copper Brass: Purified by Smelting

Copper Brass: Strength Given to Saints

Copper Brass: Taken in War: Cleansed by Fire

Copper Brass: Taken in War: Generally Consecrated to God

Copper Brass: Taken in War: Often in Great Quantities

Copper Brass: Takes a High Polish

Copper Brass: The Decrees of God

Copper Brass: The Earth Made Barren

Copper Brass: The Strength and Firmness of Christ

Copper Brass: Working In, a Trade

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