Compassion and Sympathy: Exercise Towards: Saints
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The Compassion of Jesus
... of redeeming grace, who feel a sympathy with their ... wings shalt thou trust?" The Lord's
great compassion has met ... them as Christ needs to exercise towards us, I ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 60 1914/the compassion of jesus.htm

Our Compassionate High Priest
... despondency; for there it can exercise its gracious ... door, and would receive his sympathy
and compassion ... children sorrowing, he has abundant compassion upon them ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 38 1892/our compassionate high priest.htm

The Saints' Privilege and Profit;
... a throne of grace, and so left for saints to make ... rest, but God acted as a gracious
prince towards him, and ... was showed, not only that God had compassion for men ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the saints privilege and profit.htm

Letter Xl. (AD 397. )
... they must be observed, nor in the exercise of deceptive ... not, but that he felt with
true compassion that he ... another, but rather that he showed it by sympathy. ...
/.../augustine/the confessions and letters of st/letter xl a d 397.htm

Prevailing Prayer.
... one great reason why God requires the exercise of this ... It creates such a sympathy
between them. ... feel just as Christ feels"so full of compassion for sinners ...
/.../finney/lectures on revivals of religion/lecture iv prevailing prayer.htm

Concerning Worship.
... secret travail for the rest in a sympathy with the ... their minds, doth in condescension
and compassion cause his ... but we at the same time exercise worship towards ...
/.../proposition xi concerning worship.htm

Attributes of Love.
... of the sensibility"a yielding to a feeling of compassion. ... insomuch that the soul,
in the exercise of this ... good enjoyed by others, and of sympathy with the ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture xii attributes of love.htm

False Comforts for Sinners.
... A man must exercise his own judgment, for he will find as many remedies as he has
friends, and each one ... They feel so much sympathy and compassion that they ...
/.../finney/lectures on revivals of religion/lecture xvii false comforts for.htm

The Martyrdom of Stephen.
... who is cheered with that hope of sympathy and aid ... he rises; his heart is interested;
his compassion is excited ... There is not a higher exercise of faith, nor a ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture ix the martyrdom of.htm

The Use of Fear in Religion.
... we look upon Him as unmixed complacency and unbalanced compassion. ... harmony; and that
man lacks sympathy with Jesus ... to be injured, by the undue exercise of this ...
/...// to the natural man/the use of fear in.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Corinthians 12:25,26
That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Compassion and Sympathy: Christ Set an Example of

Compassion and Sympathy: David

Compassion and Sympathy: Elijah

Compassion and Sympathy: Exercise Towards: Enemies

Compassion and Sympathy: Exercise Towards: Saints

Compassion and Sympathy: Exercise Towards: The Afflicted

Compassion and Sympathy: Exercise Towards: The Chastened

Compassion and Sympathy: Exercise Towards: The Poor

Compassion and Sympathy: Exercise Towards: The Weak

Compassion and Sympathy: Exhortation To

Compassion and Sympathy: Illustrated

Compassion and Sympathy: Inseparable from Love to God

Compassion and Sympathy: Jews

Compassion and Sympathy: Job

Compassion and Sympathy: Job's Friends

Compassion and Sympathy: Motives to The Compassion of God

Compassion and Sympathy: Motives to The Sense of Our Infirmities

Compassion and Sympathy: Nehemiah

Compassion and Sympathy: Paul

Compassion and Sympathy: Pharaoh's Daughter

Compassion and Sympathy: Promise to Those Who Show

Compassion and Sympathy: Shobi

Compassion and Sympathy: The Wicked Made to Feel, for Saints

The Compassion and Sympathy of Christ: An Encouragement to Prayer

The Compassion and Sympathy of Christ: Manifested for The: Afflicted

The Compassion and Sympathy of Christ: Manifested for The: Diseased

The Compassion and Sympathy of Christ: Manifested for The: Perishing Sinners

The Compassion and Sympathy of Christ: Manifested for The: Poor

The Compassion and Sympathy of Christ: Manifested for The: Tempted

The Compassion and Sympathy of Christ: Manifested for The: Weak in Faith

The Compassion and Sympathy of Christ: Manifested for The: Weary and Heavy-Laden

The Compassion and Sympathy of Christ: Necessary to his Priestly office

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