Birds: Called: Birds of the Air
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Whether There is Only one Heaven?
... means by the one heaven the whole body that is above the earth and the water, for
which reason the birds that fly in the air are called birds of heaven [*Ps.8:9 ...
/.../ theologica/whether there is only one 4.htm

How the Eternal Love of God Prevents Our Hearts with his ...
... like to those birds, which for their beauty and rarity are called birds-of-paradise ...
rather resemble apodes: for if it chance that we, quitting the air of holy ...
/.../francis/treatise on the love of god/chapter ix how the eternal.htm

The Creation of Fowl and Water Animals.
... this number are swallows, incapable of walking and seeking their prey, and the birds
called swifts [1651] who live on little insects carried about by the air. ...
/.../basil/basil letters and select works/homily viii the creation of.htm

As it Is, However, They, against the Apostle of Christ...
... not to work, for that the birds of the air neither sow ... is added, "nor gather in
apothecas." Now "apothecæ" may be called either "barns ... For the birds do not this ...
/...// the work of monks /section 27 as it is.htm

God Cannot be Attained unto by the Power of Memory, which Beasts ...
... beyond this power of mine which is called memory, wishful ... For even beasts and birds
possess memory, else could they ... beasts and the fowls of the air, making me ...
/.../the confessions and letters of st/chapter xvii god cannot be attained.htm

How St Francis, Having Been Told by St Clare and the Holy Brother ...
... They soon arrived at a town called Savurniano, where St Francis began to preach,
first ordering the ... Then all those birds rose up into the air, singing most ...
/.../the little flowers of st francis of assisi/chapter xvi how st francis.htm

The Beginning of Things. Away Back in the Beginning of Things God ...
... Then God called for all kinds of fishes that swim in the seas, and rivers, and for
all kinds of birds that fly in the air, and they came, and it was the fifth ...
/.../lathbury/childs story of the bible/chapter i the beginning of.htm

Whether we Ought to Distinguish Several Species of Divination?
... if in water "hydromancy," if in the air "aeromancy," if in ... to "astrologers," who
are also called "genethliacs," because ... the movements and cries of birds or of ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether we ought to distinguish.htm

Consider the Lilies of the Field
... Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not ... time came, with its sunshine, flowers,
and birds, rejoiced that ... come that dark time which they called the twilight ...
/.../kingsley/discipline and other sermons/sermon xiv consider the lilies of.htm

Of the Condition of the Beasts and Man.
... the office of the tongue; or the free course of birds through the air, that you ...
Elephants are said to have been so called, because they were first seen ...
/.../lactantius/on the workmanship of god/chap iii of the condition of.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 8:20
And Jesus said to him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has not where to lay his head.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Birds are Hostile to Strange Kinds

Birds of Abomination

Birds of Cruel and Rapacious Kings

Birds of Hostile Nations

Birds of People of Different Countries

Birds of Prey

Birds of the Devil and his Spirits

Birds of Unsettled Person

Birds: (Snaring) Death

Birds: (Snaring) Designs of the Wicked

Birds: Appointed for Food

Birds: Cages of

Birds: Called: Birds of the Air

Birds: Called: Feathered Fowl

Birds: Called: Fowls of Heaven

Birds: Called: Fowls of the Air

Birds: Called: Winged Fowl

Birds: Can all be Tamed

Birds: Clean: Cock and Hen

Birds: Clean: Crane

Birds: Clean: Dove

Birds: Clean: Offered in Sacrifice

Birds: Clean: Partridge

Birds: Clean: Pigeon

Birds: Clean: Quail

Birds: Clean: Sparrow

Birds: Clean: Swallow

Birds: Clean: To be Eaten

Birds: Clean: Turtle

Birds: Confinement of, in Cages Alluded To

Birds: Created by God

Birds: Created for the Glory of God

Birds: Creation of, on the Fifth Creative Day

Birds: Differ in Flesh from Beasts and Fishes

Birds: Divine Care of

Birds: Domesticated

Birds: Early Distinguished Into Clean and Clean

Birds: Figurative

Birds: Fly Above the Earth

Birds: Furnished With Claws

Birds: Given As Food to Man

Birds: God Provides For

Birds: Habits of

Birds: Have Each Their Peculiar Note or Song

Birds: Herb of the Field Given As Food To

Birds: Inhabit: Deserted Cities

Birds: Inhabit: Deserts

Birds: Inhabit: Marshes

Birds: Inhabit: Mountains

Birds: Instinct of, Inferior to Man's Reason

Birds: Instinctively Fear Man

Birds: Instincts of

Birds: Lessons of Wisdom to be Learned From

Birds: Make Their Nests in Clefts of Rocks

Birds: Make Their Nests in Deserted Cities

Birds: Make Their Nests in Trees

Birds: Make Their Nests: On the Ground

Birds: Make Their Nests: Under the Roofs of Houses

Birds: Make, and Dwell in Nests

Birds: Man's Dominion Over

Birds: Many Kinds of, Carnivorous

Birds: Many Kinds of, Graniverous

Birds: Many Kinds of, Migratory

Birds: Migrate

Birds: Moses' Law Protected the Mother from Being Taken With the Young

Birds: Names Given To, by Adam

Birds: Nests of

Birds: No Likeness of, to be Made for Worship

Birds: Not to be Eaten With Their Young

Birds: Often Remove from Places Suffering Calamities

Birds: Often Suffered for Man's Sin

Birds: Often Worshipped by Idolaters

Birds: Power Over Given to Man

Birds: Propagated by Eggs

Birds: Rapid Flight of, Alluded To

Birds: Rest on Trees

Birds: Solomon Wrote the History of

Birds: Solomon's Proverbs of

Birds: Songs of, at the Break of Day

Birds: Symbolical

Birds: Taken in Snares or Nets

Birds: The Blood of, not to be Eaten

Birds: The Property of God

Birds: Unclean: Bat

Birds: Unclean: Bittern

Birds: Unclean: Cormorant

Birds: Unclean: Cuckoo

Birds: Unclean: Eagle

Birds: Unclean: Gier Eagle

Birds: Unclean: Glede

Birds: Unclean: Great Owl

Birds: Unclean: Hawk

Birds: Unclean: Heron

Birds: Unclean: Kite

Birds: Unclean: Lapwing

Birds: Unclean: Little Owl

Birds: Unclean: Nighthawk

Birds: Unclean: Not to be Eaten

Birds: Unclean: Osprey

Birds: Unclean: Ossifrage

Birds: Unclean: Ostrich

Birds: Unclean: Owl

Birds: Unclean: Peacock

Birds: Unclean: Pelican

Birds: Unclean: Raven

Birds: Unclean: Stork

Birds: Unclean: Swan

Birds: Unclean: Vulture

Birds: What Species Were Unclean

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