Regular Church Attendance
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The Doctrine of the Church i. Definition; Distinctions.
... the regular hours of prayer (3:1; 10:9); a regular church roll: 120 ... Herein lies the
value of church attendance"it promotes growth; failure to attend leads to ...
/.../evans/the great doctrines of the bible/the doctrine of the church.htm

The Church Staff
... scholars, and twenty years later, in 1867, the attendance was considerably ... to adopt
the school as one of the regular institutions of the church. ...
/.../griswold/sixty years with plymouth church/the church staff.htm

Interdenominational Readjustment
... On the other hand, their successes can be adopted into the regular program of the
church and thus ... 3. A marked increase in membership and church attendance. ...
/.../chapter viii interdenominational readjustment.htm

The Christian Church a Family.
... many in all probability would point you to the man who keeps the Sabbath-day, is
regular in his attendance upon the services of the Church, who loves to hear ...
/.../robertson/sermons preached at brighton/xv the christian church a.htm

Church Fabrics and Services.
... Queen Anne's reign was over they had become so regular a part ... now had overflowing
congregations.[1055] Unfortunately, this revival of church attendance was not ...
/.../the english church in the eighteenth century/chapter x church fabrics and.htm

The Boys' Department in the Sunday School
... the Boys' Department has increased the attendance at the ... will mean much to the general
church life, as ... A certificate or diploma recognizing regular work should ...
/.../alexander/the boy and the sunday school/xi the boys department in.htm

History of the Mt. Byrd Church. When Established. Where. Charter ...
... addition to meetings held by the regular preachers, it ... In a word, the church went
into the Sunday ... We kept a record of the attendance, recitations, contributions ...
/.../chapter xiii history of the.htm

He Abandons the School-Room. Remarkable Meeting Near Alexandria. ...
... town, and the want of facilities for attendance there on ... year before I was able to
resume regular preaching; and ... service of my Redeemer and His church to repay ...
/.../chapter xi he abandons the.htm

An Account of the Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church ...
... of good works, and the more punctual in their attendance on all ... as a steward or leader,
that is not in constant church-communion, and a regular leader or ...
/.../chapter 3 an account of.htm

The Mediaeval Church in Great Britain and Ireland
... delayed and interfered with the regular course of ... Councils, 72 Teaching of the Church,
Reserve in ... its gradual development, 49 Temple Services, Attendance of the ...
/.../a key to the knowledge of church history/chapter xii the mediaeval church.htm

Topical Bible Verses
Hebrews 10:25
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching.

Acts 2:42
And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Matthew 18:20
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the middle of them.



Regular Church Attendance

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