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... the flax-stalks bleaching on the flat roof, confessed faith in Israel's God and
lied steadfastly to save them, how they escaped to the Quarantania hills, how ...
//christianbookshelf.org/maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/rahab.htm

Frances Power Cobbe.
... Father's business?' It may be there was a long period of lonely thought and ascetic
practice upon those desolate, burning hills of the Quarantania, closing at ...
//christianbookshelf.org/schaff/the person of christ/frances power cobbe.htm

The Temptation of Jesus
... [1465] Hebrews 4:15. [1466] The place of the Temptation could not, of course, have
been the traditional Quarantania,' but must have been near Bethabara. ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter i the temptation of.htm

The Land and the People.
... [164] The tradition, which locates the Temptation on the barren and dreary mount
Quarantania, a few miles northwest of Jericho, is of late date. ...
/.../schaff/history of the christian church volume i/section 17 the land and.htm

Easton's Bible Dictionary
A mountain some 1,200 feet high, about 7 miles north-west of Jericho, the traditional scene of our Lord's temptation (Matthew 4:8).

/q/quarantania.htm - 6k

Jericho (59 Occurrences)
... The wall is not far from the foot of the great precipice of Quarantania and its
numerous caverns, and the spies of Joshua could easily have fled from the city ...
/j/jericho.htm - 38k

Quantity (18 Occurrences)

/q/quantity.htm - 13k

Quarantine (3 Occurrences)

/q/quarantine.htm - 8k

Temptation (22 Occurrences)
... The scene of the temptation of our Lord is generally supposed to have been the mountain
of Quarantania (qv), "a high and precipitous wall of rock, 1,200 or ...
/t/temptation.htm - 30k



Related Terms

Jericho (59 Occurrences)

Quantity (18 Occurrences)

Quarantine (3 Occurrences)

Temptation (22 Occurrences)

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