Prolonging Life
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Internal Exercises Weaken the Body, yet Oft Prolong Life. ...
... and afford matter of temptations; yet, on the other side, it makes amends, even
to nature itself, in contributing much to the prolonging of life by means of ...
/.../chapter vi internal exercises weaken.htm

Of the Life of Bishop Aidan. [635 AD ]
... His course of life was so different from the slothfulness of our times, that all ...
men and women, led by his example, adopted the custom of prolonging their fast ...
/.../bede/bedes ecclesiastical history of england/chap v of the life.htm

Jesus the Resurrection and Life.
... to go where God"ie, where duty"calls you, you make a terrible mistake; instead of
thereby preserving your life you lose it, instead of prolonging your day ...
/.../xxiii jesus the resurrection and.htm

For Eighteen Years, New Sects, Or, Rather, Posthumous Sects...
... sensual gratifications for a paradise; this world for the sole scene of existence;
the body for the only condition of being; the prolonging of life a few more ...
/.../lamartine/atheism among the people/xiv for eighteen years new.htm

And when Jesus Entered the Temple, they Brought unto Him Blind And ...
... his life [2728] in this world shall keep it unto the life eternal. ... My master, [2756]
and devour widows' houses, because [2757] of their prolonging their prayers ...
/.../hogg/the diatessaron of tatian/section xl and when jesus.htm

Come from the Four Winds, O Breath!
... is a difficulty in explaining how it is that bread sustains your body; and how that
bread, sustaining your body, can be the means of prolonging your life. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 38 1892/come from the four winds.htm

He Maketh Me to Lie Down in Pastures of Tender Grass; He Leadeth ...
... daily sacrifice, then, under the appearance of bread and wine, besides ever prolonging
in our ... Yet it is a lonely life for our Shepherd-King, this abode in the ...
// shepherd of my soul/iv he maketh me to.htm

Letter ii. To the Deacon Aurelius.
... Shall there in future be to me any pleasure in life, or any day or hour ... This, however,
was my object in prolonging my discourse to a somewhat undue extent, that ...
/.../severus/life and writings of sulpitius severus /letter ii to the deacon.htm

Chapter twenty
... Chapter Twenty. "But I am prolonging this letter, possibly to your weariness. ... Nothing
in all my ministerial life, Caxton, has so moved me as that meeting. ...
// his steps/chapter twenty.htm

'Impossible, --Only I Saw It'
... The thought was familiar to them, and yet, lepers though they were, life was sweet,
and a chance of prolonging it, even as slaves, was worth trying. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/impossibleonly i saw it.htm

Topical Bible Verses
Ephesians 6:2-3
Honor your father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;



Prolonging Life

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