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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

oth'-ni (`othni, meaning unknown): A son of Shemaiah, a Korahite Levite (1 Chronicles 26:7).

Strong's Hebrew
6273. Othni -- a Levite
... 6272, 6273. Othni. 6274 . a Levite. Transliteration: Othni Phonetic Spelling:
(oth-nee') Short Definition: Othni. Word Origin from ...
/hebrew/6273.htm - 5k
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary

my time; my hour

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(lion of Jehovah), son of Shemaiah, the first-horn of Obed-edom. (1 Chronicles 26:7) (B.C. 1013.)

Easton's Bible Dictionary
A lion of Jehovah, a son of Shemaiah, and one of the temple porters in the time of David (1 Chronicles 26:7). He was a "mighty man of valour."
Othni (1 Occurrence)
...OTHNI. oth'-ni (`othni, meaning unknown): A son of Shemaiah, a Korahite Levite
(1 Chronicles 26:7). Multi-Version Concordance Othni (1 Occurrence). ...
/o/othni.htm - 7k

Othniel (7 Occurrences)
... years. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. OTHNIEL. oth'-ni-el (`othni'el):
A hero in Israel, son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother. He ...
/o/othniel.htm - 10k

Obed (13 Occurrences)
... 1 Chronicles 26:7 The sons of Shemaiah: Othni, and Rephael, and Obed, Elzabad,
whose brothers were valiant men, Elihu, and Semachiah. ...
/o/obed.htm - 12k

Reph'a-el (1 Occurrence)
... Reph'a-el (1 Occurrence). 1 Chronicles 26:7 The sons of Shemaiah: Othni, and Rephael
and Obed and Elzabad his brethren, valiant men; Elihu also, and Semachiah. ...
/r/reph'a-el.htm - 6k

Rephael (1 Occurrence)
... Rephael (1 Occurrence). 1 Chronicles 26:7 The sons of Shemaiah: Othni, and Rephael,
and Obed, Elzabad, whose brothers were valiant men, Elihu, and Semachiah. ...
/r/rephael.htm - 7k

Elzabad (2 Occurrences)
... 1 Chronicles 26:7 The sons of Shemaiah: Othni, and Rephael, and Obed, Elzabad,
whose brothers were valiant men, Elihu, and Semachiah. ...
/e/elzabad.htm - 7k

Elza'bad (2 Occurrences)
... 1 Chronicles 26:7 The sons of Shemaiah: Othni, and Rephael and Obed and Elzabad
his brethren, valiant men; Elihu also, and Semachiah. (See RSV). ...
/e/elza'bad.htm - 6k

Eli'hu (11 Occurrences)
... (See RSV). 1 Chronicles 26:7 The sons of Shemaiah: Othni, and Rephael and Obed and
Elzabad his brethren, valiant men; Elihu also, and Semachiah. (See RSV). ...
/e/eli'hu.htm - 8k

Semachiah (1 Occurrence)
... Semachiah (1 Occurrence). 1 Chronicles 26:7 The sons of Shemaiah: Othni, and Rephael,
and Obed, Elzabad, whose brothers were valiant men, Elihu, and Semachiah. ...
/s/semachiah.htm - 7k

Shemai'ah (38 Occurrences)
... (See RSV). 1 Chronicles 26:7 The sons of Shemaiah: Othni, and Rephael and Obed and
Elzabad his brethren, valiant men; Elihu also, and Semachiah. (See RSV). ...
/s/shemai'ah.htm - 16k

Bible Concordance
Othni (1 Occurrence)

1 Chronicles 26:7 The sons of Shemaiah: Othni, and Rephael, and Obed, Elzabad, whose brothers were valiant men, Elihu, and Semachiah.



Othni: Son of Shemaiah

Related Terms

Othniel (7 Occurrences)

Obed (13 Occurrences)

Reph'a-el (1 Occurrence)

Rephael (1 Occurrence)

Elzabad (2 Occurrences)

Elza'bad (2 Occurrences)

Eli'hu (11 Occurrences)

Semachiah (1 Occurrence)

Shemai'ah (38 Occurrences)

Semakiah (1 Occurrence)

Semachi'ah (1 Occurrence)

Elihu (11 Occurrences)

Otherwise (78 Occurrences)

Shemaiah (40 Occurrences)

Valour (66 Occurrences)

Valiant (66 Occurrences)

Proper (62 Occurrences)

Names (133 Occurrences)

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