Whirlwind: Elijah Transported Upward In
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Mr. Bunyan's Last Sermon:
... Some of them were exceeding glad, and looked upward; and some sought to hide themselves
under the mountains (1:Cor.15:52; 1:Thess.4:16; Jude 14; John 5:28, 29 ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/mr bunyans last sermon .htm

Nave's Topical Index
2 Kings 2:1,11
And it came to pass, when the LORD would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal.
Nave's Topical Index



Whirlwind in the Land of Canaan

Whirlwind in the Valley of the Euphrates

Whirlwind of Divine Judgments

Whirlwind of the Fruits of Unrighteousness

Whirlwind of the Judgment of God

Whirlwind: Arose up from the Earth

Whirlwind: Called the Whirlwind of God

Whirlwind: Destructive

Whirlwind: Destructive Nature of

Whirlwind: Elijah Transported Upward In

Whirlwind: Frequently Continued for a Long Time

Whirlwind: from the North

Whirlwind: from the South in the Land of Uz

Whirlwind: Generally Came from the South

Whirlwind: God Answered Job In

Whirlwind: Illustrative of The: Fury of God's Judgments

Whirlwind: Illustrative of The: Speed With Which God Executes his Purposes

Whirlwind: Illustrative of The: Sudden Destruction of the Wicked

Whirlwind: Illustrative of The: Unavoidable Fruit of a Life of Sin and Vanity

Whirlwind: Illustrative of The: Velocity of Christ's Second Coming

Whirlwind: Illustrative of The: Velocity of the Chariots in Hostile Armies

Whirlwind: Miracles Connected With: Elijah Taken to Heaven In

Whirlwind: Miracles Connected With: God Spoke to Job From

Whirlwind: Sometimes Came from the North

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