Sobriety: Motive For
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we have not only so high a pattern, but so excellent a motive
... There is no invention can afford so constraining a motive, God so loving us ... failings
in practice and differences from us, it were not in sobriety but madness. ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/chapter ii i .htm

How we are to Reduce all the Exercise of the virtues, and all Our ...
... from obedience, because it is a precept of the Church; or from sobriety; or from ...
So, when we do an action for a single reasonable motive, however slight it may ...
/.../francis/treatise on the love of god/chapter xiii how we are.htm

"But the End of all Things is at Hand, be Ye Therefore Sober and ...
... And then, III: Of the reason and motive to them all, and how it enforces such an
exercise. As to be the first of these, we observe, that sobriety is a duty ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon xx but the end.htm

This is the Reason, Then, Why Christians are Counted Public ...
... high rejoicings in honour of the Cæsars with chastity, sobriety, and virtue? ... affording
opportunities for licentiousness than from any worthy motive;"in this ...
// xxxv this is the.htm

The Trial at Caesarea
... not only for all that he had said and done, but for the motive and spirit of ... He clearly
showed that it is man's duty to live a life of sobriety and temperance ...
/.../white/the acts of the apostles/lesson 39 the trial at.htm

1 Timothy ii. 10-Aug
... of this sort becomes a modest woman, who should be adorned "with shamefacedness
and sobriety.". ... It is but chance I am so dressed, and for no motive of this kind ...
/.../homily viii 1 timothy ii.htm

Why was the Fact of Our Lord's Return Presented in the Language of ...
... The Return of our Lord is presented as a motive to brotherly love- "And ... prospect
of a speedily returning Saviour is employed to stimulate sobriety and vigilance ...
// redeemers return/3 why was the fact.htm

... and Porphyry [54] , and between Rufinus and Jerome, with less sobriety"we have no ...
Origen thinks that the motive of Susanna's exclusion was its relation of ...
/.../daubney/the three additions to daniel a study/canonicity 2.htm

The Contents. The Introduction, Concerning the Causes of Atheism 1
... Of Sobriety, or Men's Duty towards themselves, and of the Unlawfulness of Self-Murder
187. ... Of the Acceptableness of True Repentance as a Motive to Obedience ibid ...
/.../the contents the introduction concerning.htm

Whether Shamefacedness is a virtue?
... to wantonness, a stranger to any kind of excess, the friend of sobriety and the ... to
temperance than to any other virtue, by reason of its motive cause, which is ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether shamefacedness is a virtue.htm

Nave's Topical Index
1 Peter 4:7
But the end of all things is at hand: be you therefore sober, and watch to prayer.
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1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour:
Nave's Topical Index



Sobriety with Prayer

Sobriety with Watchfulness

Sobriety: Commanded

Sobriety: Motive For

Sobriety: Motives To

Sobriety: Required in Aged Men

Sobriety: Required in all Saints

Sobriety: Required in God's Servants

Sobriety: Required in Ministers

Sobriety: Required in Wives of Ministers

Sobriety: Required in Wives of Servants of God

Sobriety: Required in Young Men

Sobriety: Required in Young Women

Sobriety: The Gospel Designed to Teach

Sobriety: we should Estimate Our Character and Talents With

Sobriety: we should Live In

Sobriety: Women should Exhibit in Dress

Sobriety: Women should Exhibit, in Dress

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