Select Readings: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
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Matt. xxvii. 45-48.
... to appear alive, which was a sign of the future resurrection. ... the grace and love
towards man of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom ... ii., Notes on Select Readings.--R ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily lxxxviii matt xxvii 45-48.htm

In How Many Ways "Throughwhom" is Used; and in what Sense "With ...
Basil: Letters and Select Works. ... He raises from their fall: for this reason He is
Resurrection. ... difficult to render alike from the variety of readings and the ...
/.../basil/basil letters and select works/chapter viii in how many.htm

Some Hymns of Great Witnesses.
... "The Day of Resurrection" is sung ... In some readings the original "in favilla" is changed
to "cum favilla ... It is reprinted in Peloubet's Select Songs, and in the ...
/.../brown/the story of the hymns and tunes/chapter ii some hymns of.htm

The Service Common to Two or Many Hierarchs.
... of the Lord, men wished for, select vessels, pillars ... the Polyeleon, say the Theotokion
of the resurrection: Who would ... The Readings for hierarchs (see Appendix ...
/.../anonymous/the general menaion/chapter xi the service common.htm

The General Service to Saints Andrew of Constantinople, Isidore of ...
... The Readings of the monks (see Appendix.). ... If there be Celebration, say the Theotokion
of the resurrection. ... Having learned thee to be a fair, select and all ...
/.../anonymous/the general menaion/chapter xxvii the general service.htm

Faustus Fails to Understand Why He Should be Required Either to ...
... or singular in me that I select from the New ... As it is, false readings are sometimes
corrected by ... was to come immediately after the resurrection and ascension ...
/.../faustus fails to understand why.htm

On the Soul and the Resurrection.
... those evil spirits [1816] shall rise in harmony the confession of Christ's Lordship. ...
of the dissolved body which will properly be, and be called, resurrection. ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/on the soul and the 2.htm

John 0. 297222222 "To Whom?"
... so forth, may satisfy a select few for ... stale objections of various readings, doubtful
authorship ... the incarnation, the atonement, the resurrection, the ascension ...
/.../chapter xi john 0 297222222 to.htm

The General Service to a Hiero-Confessor or Monk-Confessor.
... harmonist of piety, abode of purity, select receptacle, the ... Prokeimenon of the day
...The readings of the ... the Theotokion of the resurrection: O Virgin unmarried ...
/.../anonymous/the general menaion/chapter xxv the general service.htm

Period I: the Imperial State Church of the Undivided Empire, or ...
... and elsewhere, there is a variety of readings, but of ... coming at the last day of the
resurrection, in His ... the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ, both God ...
/.../ayer/a source book for ancient church history/period i the imperial state.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Luke 24:1-12
Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came to the sepulcher, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.
Nave's Topical Index



Resurrection of Christ

Resurrection of Regeneration

Resurrection of the Dead

Resurrection: General Scriptures Concerning

Resurrection: Symbolical

Resurrection: Typified: Isaac

Resurrection: Typified: Jonah

Select Readings: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Resurrection is not Contrary to Reason

The Resurrection is not Incredible

The Resurrection of Christ is an Emblem of the New Birth

The Resurrection of Christ was Attested by Angels

The Resurrection of Christ was Attested by Apostles

The Resurrection of Christ was Attested by His Enemies

The Resurrection of Christ was Necessary to Forgiveness of Sins

The Resurrection of Christ was Necessary to Hope

The Resurrection of Christ was Necessary to Justification

The Resurrection of Christ was Necessary to The Efficacy of Faith

The Resurrection of Christ was Necessary to The Efficacy of Preaching

The Resurrection of Christ was Necessary to The Fulfilment of Scripture

The Resurrection of Christ: A Proof of his Being the Son of God

The Resurrection of Christ: An Assurance of the Judgment

The Resurrection of Christ: Asserted and Preached by the Apostles

The Resurrection of Christ: Effected by His own Power

The Resurrection of Christ: Effected by The Power of God

The Resurrection of Christ: Effected by The Power of the Holy Spirit

The Resurrection of Christ: Followed by his Exaltation

The Resurrection of Christ: Foretold by Himself

The Resurrection of Christ: Foretold by the Prophets

The Resurrection of Christ: Fraud Impossible In

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to About Five Hundred Brethren

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to all the Apostles

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Apostles at the Sea of Tiberias

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Apostles in Galilee

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Apostles, Except Thomas

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Apostles, Thomas Being Present

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to James

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Mary Magdalene

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Paul

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Simon Peter

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to The Women

The Resurrection of Christ: He Appeared After to Two Disciples

The Resurrection of Christ: He Gave Many Infallible Proofs of

The Resurrection of Christ: On the First Day of the Week

The Resurrection of Christ: On the Third Day After his Death

The Resurrection of Christ: Saints: Begotten to a Lively Hope

The Resurrection of Christ: Saints: Desire to Know the Power of

The Resurrection of Christ: Saints: Shall Rise in the Likeness of

The Resurrection of Christ: Saints: should Keep, in Remembrance

The Resurrection of Christ: The Apostles: At First did not Understand the Predictions Respecting

The Resurrection of Christ: The Apostles: Reproved for Their Unbelief of

The Resurrection of Christ: The Apostles: Very Slow to Believe

The Resurrection of Christ: The First-Fruits of Our Resurrection

The Resurrection of Christ: The Truth of the Gospel Involved In

The Resurrection of Christ: Typified: Isaac

The Resurrection of Christ: Typified: Jonah

The Resurrection of Saints Shall be Followed by the Change of Those Then Alive

The Resurrection of the Wicked, Shall be to Damnation

The Resurrection of the Wicked, Shall be to Shame and Everlasting Contempt

The Resurrection: A Doctrine of the Old Testament

The Resurrection: A First Principle of the Gospel

The Resurrection: Assumed and Proved by Our Lord

The Resurrection: Blessedness of Those Who Have Part in the First

The Resurrection: Called in Question by some in the Church

The Resurrection: Certainty of, Proved by the Resurrection of Christ

The Resurrection: Credibility of, Shown by the Resurrection of Individuals

The Resurrection: Denied by the Sadducees

The Resurrection: Effected by the Power of Christ

The Resurrection: Effected by the Power of God

The Resurrection: Effected by the Power of The Holy Spirit

The Resurrection: Expected by the Jews

The Resurrection: Explained Away by False Teachers

The Resurrection: Illustrated

The Resurrection: Illustrative of the New Birth

The Resurrection: Preached by the Apostles

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Be As the Angels

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Be Glorified With Christ

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Be Recompensed

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Have Bodies Like Christ's

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Have Glorious Bodies

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Have Incorruptible Bodies

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Have Powerful Bodies

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Have Spiritual Bodies

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Rise First

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Rise Through Christ

The Resurrection: Saints In, Shall: Rise to Eternal Life

The Resurrection: Saints should Look Forward To

The Resurrection: Shall be of all the Dead

The Resurrection: The Preaching of, Caused: Mocking

The Resurrection: The Preaching of, Caused: Persecution

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