Rulers: Righteous: Joseph, in How he Conducted the Affairs of Egypt
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The Antiquities of the Jews
... Their Rulers Of Thousands, And Rulers Of Hundreds ... Reigned Josiah; He Was Both Righteous
And Religious. ... About Aristobulus; As Also Concerning Joseph And Mariamne ...
// antiquities of the jews/

The Book of Enoch
... and rest is not won till the evil angels and the wicked rulers are cast ... is shown
a place in the far west where the souls of the righteous dead are ... [79] Joseph. ...
// book of enoch.htm

Period I: the Imperial State Church of the Undivided Empire, or ...
... II; Constantius (337-361), taking the East, including Egypt. ... should ask him for any
money, he should see to ... dangers are brought upon public affairs; but that ...
/.../ayer/a source book for ancient church history/period i the imperial state.htm

Funeral Oration on the Great S. Basil, Bishop of Cæsarea in ...
... overpowered by my regret, pardon this most righteous of all ... joined in his assault,
the evil rulers of the ... young furnisher of corn, and second Joseph: though of ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/oration xliii funeral oration on.htm

Of Civil Government.
... 4). Wherefore, if princes and other rulers know that ... saith unto the wicked, Thou
art righteous; him shall ... Jehoshaphat, and other holy kings, Joseph also, and ...
/.../the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 20 of civil government.htm

The Pilgrim's Progress
... when they came out from the land of Egypt, and the ... Wherefore He saith, 'As by one
man's disobedience, many were ... of one, shall many be made righteous'[98] (Rom.5 ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the pilgrims progress.htm

Period iv. The Age of the Consolidation of the Church: 200 to 324 ...
... in North Africa, there occurred in Egypt and Palestine a ... And he conferred by letter
about this disputed question, not ... also with most of the other rulers of the ...
/.../ayer/a source book for ancient church history/period iv the age of.htm

Period iii. The Dissolution of the Imperial State Church and the ...
... Justinian I, the greatest of all the rulers of the ... uncle Justin I((518-527); but
he had, from ... be attributed the direction of ecclesiastical affairs from the ...
/.../ayer/a source book for ancient church history/period iii the dissolution of.htm

Life and Works of Rufinus with Jerome's Apology Against Rufinus.
... with their author for these words and deeds of yours before Christ the righteous
judge. Gen. i. 27 c25. But now let us go on to discuss what he writes further ...
/.../various/life and works of rufinus with jeromes apology against rufinus /

Nave's Topical Index
Genesis 41:37-57
And the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his servants.
Nave's Topical Index



Rulers of the City

Rulers: Abraham

Rulers: Character and Qualifications of

Rulers: Chastised

Rulers: Duties of

Rulers: Esau, and the Dukes of Edom

Rulers: Heads of Families

Rulers: Isaac

Rulers: Ishmael

Rulers: Judah

Rulers: Melchizedek

Rulers: Nimrod

Rulers: Patriarchal

Rulers: Righteous: Abimelech, in his Treatment of Isaac

Rulers: Righteous: Artaxerxes, in Commissioning Ezra to Restore the Forms of Worship at Jerusalem

Rulers: Righteous: Asa, in Abolishing Sodomy and Other Abominations of Idolatry

Rulers: Righteous: Cyrus, in Emancipating the Jews

Rulers: Righteous: Darius, in Advancing the Rebuilding of the Temple

Rulers: Righteous: Hezekiah, in his Fear of the Lord

Rulers: Righteous: Jehoshaphat, in Walking in the Ways of the Lord

Rulers: Righteous: Joseph, in How he Conducted the Affairs of Egypt

Rulers: Righteous: Josiah, in Repairing the Temple and in Other Good Works

Rulers: Righteous: King of Nineveh, in Repenting, and Proclaimimg a Fast

Rulers: Righteous: Moses, in his Administration of the Affairs of the People of Israel

Rulers: Righteous: Nehemiah

Rulers: Righteous: Pharaoh, in his Treatment of Abraham

Rulers: Righteous: Pharaoh, in his Treatment of Jacob and his Family

Rulers: Righteous: Samuel, in not Receiving Compensation for Judgment

Rulers: Righteous: Saul, After the Defeat of the Ammonites

Rulers: Righteous: Solomon, According to the Testimony of the Queen of Sheba

Rulers: Righteous: Solomon, in his Judgment Between the Two Women Who Claimed the Same Child

Rulers: Wicked

Rulers: Wicked in Permitting Baal-Worship

Rulers: Wicked: Abijam, Walking in the Sins of Rehoboam

Rulers: Wicked: Abimelech, Killing his Seventy Brothers

Rulers: Wicked: Adoni-Bezek, Torturing Seventy Kings

Rulers: Wicked: Ahab, Serving Baal

Rulers: Wicked: Ahasuerus and Haman, Decreeing the Death of all Jews (Genocide)

Rulers: Wicked: Ahaz, Burning his own Children in Idolatrous Sacrifice

Rulers: Wicked: Ahaziah, Doing Evil Like the Household of Ahab

Rulers: Wicked: Amaziah, Worshiping the Gods of Seir

Rulers: Wicked: Amon, Who Followed the Evil Example of Manasseh

Rulers: Wicked: Ananias, the High Priest, Commanding to Strike Paul

Rulers: Wicked: And Persecuting Jeremiah

Rulers: Wicked: Asa, Imprisoning the Seer, and Oppressing the People

Rulers: Wicked: Baasha, Walking in the Ways of Jeroboam

Rulers: Wicked: Belshazzar, in Drunkenness and Committing Sacrilege

Rulers: Wicked: Confiscating Naboth's Vineyard

Rulers: Wicked: Conspiring Against Pekahiah and Assassinating Him

Rulers: Wicked: Darius, in Deifying Himself

Rulers: Wicked: David, Numbering Israel and Judah

Rulers: Wicked: Debauching Themselves and the Worshipers

Rulers: Wicked: Eli's Sons, Desecrating the Sacrifices

Rulers: Wicked: Exalting Debased Persons to the Priesthood

Rulers: Wicked: Hanun, Maltreating David's Servants

Rulers: Wicked: Hazael, Committing Pillage (Plundering)

Rulers: Wicked: Herod Agrippa I, Persecuting the Congregation in Jerusalem

Rulers: Wicked: Herod Antipas, in Beheading John the Baptist

Rulers: Wicked: Herod Antipas, in Craftiness and Tyranny

Rulers: Wicked: Herod the Great, Killing the Infants in Bethlehem

Rulers: Wicked: Hoshea, Who Conspired Against Pekah

Rulers: Wicked: Jehoahaz, in Following the Sins of Jeroboam

Rulers: Wicked: Jehoahaz, Who Followed in the Ways of his Forefathers

Rulers: Wicked: Jehoash, in Following the Wicked Example of Jeroboam

Rulers: Wicked: Jehoiachin, in Walking in the Ways of his Forefathers

Rulers: Wicked: Jehoiakim, in Walking in the Ways of his Forefathers

Rulers: Wicked: Jehoram, Cleaving to the Sins of Jeroboam

Rulers: Wicked: Jehoram, Walking in the Ways of the Kings of Israel

Rulers: Wicked: Jehu, Departing not from the Sins of Jeroboam

Rulers: Wicked: Jeroboam Ii, not Departing from the Sins of Jeroboam

Rulers: Wicked: Jeroboam, Perverting the True Worship

Rulers: Wicked: Joash, Killing Zechariah

Rulers: Wicked: Manasseh, Who Committed the Abominations of the Heathen

Rulers: Wicked: Nadab, Walking in the Ways of Jeroboam

Rulers: Wicked: Nebuchadnezzar, Commanding to Destroy the Wise Men

Rulers: Wicked: Nebuchadnezzar, Committing the Three Hebrews to the Furnace

Rulers: Wicked: Omri, Walking in the Ways of Jeroboam

Rulers: Wicked: Pharaoh, Oppressing the Israelites

Rulers: Wicked: Pilate, Delivering up Jesus for Crucifixion

Rulers: Wicked: Potiphar, Putting Joseph Into Prison

Rulers: Wicked: Rehoboam, Making the Yoke Heavy

Rulers: Wicked: Samuel's Sons, Taking Bribes

Rulers: Wicked: Saul, Jealously Plotting Against David

Rulers: Wicked: Saul, Killing Ahimelech and the Priests

Rulers: Wicked: Saul, Sparing Agag and the Best of the Booty

Rulers: Wicked: Solomon, Luxurious, and Idolatrous

Rulers: Wicked: Solomon, Oppressing the People

Rulers: Wicked: The Chief Priests, Elders, and the Sanhedrin, Seeking False Witness Against Jesus

Rulers: Wicked: The Princes, Conspiring Against Daniel

Rulers: Wicked: Uzziah, Invading the Priest's office

Rulers: Wicked: Zachariah, Menahem, Pekahiah, and Pekah, Following the Sins of Jeroboam

Rulers: Wicked: Zedekiah, Following the Evil Example of Jehoiakim

Rulers: Wicked: Zimri, Walking in the Ways of Jeroboam

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