Rock: Struck by Moses for Water
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Moses Striking the Rock.
... Moses did as God commanded. He went forward with the elders, struck the rock with
his rod; and the pure, clear water gushed out, so that all the people were ...
/.../anonymous/mother stories from the old testament/moses striking the rock.htm

The Rock of Ages
... using a beautiful old tradition of the Rabbis, that the rock which Moses struck
in Horeb ... elders called to it, 'Flow out, O fountain,' and the water flowed ...
/.../kingsley/town and country sermons/sermon xiv the rock of.htm

There Followed the Revolt of Those, Who, with Dathan and Abiron as ...
... Then Moses, instructed by God to strike the rock with his rod, with a ... new familiar
to him, since he had already done that before, struck the rock once and ...
/.../life and writings of sulpitius severus /chapter xxi there followed the.htm

... Later, when they wanted water, the Lord commanded Moses, and he struck a rock with
his rod, and pure water poured out of it, so that the thirsty people and ...
// ones bible stories/moses.htm

Following the Cloud.
... Once, at Horeb, Moses struck a rock with his wonderful rod, and water sprung
out in a stream. There were enemies also in the way. ...
/.../lathbury/childs story of the bible/chapter xii following the cloud.htm

The Call of Moses
... he wanted to bring water out of the rock, all he ... coat, put one hand in his chest,
had struck an attitude ... They had Egyptians who could be as eloquent as Moses. ...
// of the bible/ii the call of moses.htm

Of Paradise, that it Can be Understood in a Spiritual Sense ...
... of the free, because the apostle says that in them the two covenants were prefigured;
or as if water never flowed from the rock when Moses struck it, because ...
/.../ of god/chapter 21 of paradise that it.htm

He Recognises the Falsity of his Own Opinions, and Commits to ...
... or as if water never flowed from the rock when Moses struck it, because therein
Christ can be seen in a figure, as the same apostle says: Now that rock was ...
/.../the confessions and letters of st/chapter iv he recognises the falsity.htm

Of the Advent of Jesus; of the Fortunes of the Jews, and their ...
... after four hundred and thirty [560] years, under the leadership of Moses, through
whom ... For when they suffered thirst, a rock having been struck with a ...
/.../lactantius/the divine institutes/chap x of the advent of.htm

Practical Observations.
... In those hot and arid regions there is no fiercer want than thirst and no greater
blessing than the cool draught of water. ... Moses struck the rock of Horeb ...
/.../johnson/the new testament commentary vol iii john/practical observations 15.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Deuteronomy 8:15
Who led you through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought you forth water out of the rock of flint;
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Psalm 78:15,16,20
He split the rocks in the wilderness, and gave them drink as out of the great depths.
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Rock of Ages

Rock: A Name of God

Rock: Figurative

Rock: Houses In

Rock: Oil From

Rock: Struck by Moses for Water

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