Politics: Corruption In of Darius
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Cyrus, the Servant Of-The Lord {4}
... I believe that in Society and Politics, when a ... through that same vicious circle of
corruption to which ... What motives prompted Cyrus, and Darius after him, to do ...
/.../kingsley/historical lectures and essays/cyrus the servant of-the lord.htm

The Servant of the Lord.
... I believe that in Society and Politics, when a ... through that same vicious circle of
corruption to which ... What motives prompted Cyrus, and Darius after him, to do ...
/.../kingsley/lectures delivered in america in 1874/lecture iv the servant of.htm

The Book of Enoch
... with all manner of trees; no corruption, or crime ... Bible Society and the sinister
actions of Russian politics. ... consists of Persian monarchs, from Darius and Cyrus ...
//christianbookshelf.org/deane/pseudepigrapha/the book of enoch.htm

Bunsen's Biblical Researches.
... the scene had been Babylon under Darius, the river ... that the change was altogether
a corruption; for it ... to touch questions of ethnology and politics which might ...
/.../essays and reviews the education of the world/bunsens biblical researches.htm

The Last Days of the Old Eastern World
... could they only find generals to command their troops and guide their politics. ... The
members of the families who had placed Darius on the throne, possessed by ...
/.../chapter iithe last days of 2.htm

From the Close of the General Conference of 1800, to the End of ...
... my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I ... in the year 1794, in company
with Darius Dunham and ... too without entering into the arena of politics at all ...
/.../chapter 5 from the close.htm

The Iranian Conquest
... Darius styles Ahura-mazda, mathishta baganam, the greatest of the gods, and Xerxes ...
the world and ransom it from old age and death, from corruption and decay ...
/.../chapter ithe iranian conquest.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Daniel 6:4-15
Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; for as much as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Nave's Topical Index


Politics: Absalom, Electioneering for the Throne

Politics: Corruption In

Politics: Corruption In of Ahasuerus

Politics: Corruption In of Darius

Politics: Ministers in Nathan, the Prophet, Influences the Selection of David's Successor

Politics: Ministers in Zadok the Priest, a Partisan of David

Politics: Pilate, Condemning Jesus to Gratify the Clamoring People

Politics: Women in Bath-Sheba, in Securing the Crown for Solomon

Politics: Women in Herodias, in Influencing the Administration of Herod

Politics: Women in Mother of Zebedee's Children, in Seeking Favor for Her Sons

Politics: Women in The Wise Woman of Abel Who Saved the City Through Diplomacy


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