Philip: One of the Twelve Apostles: Asks Jesus to Show the Father
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The Lord Seen by the Apostles.
... He was one of the Twelve, of whom history has ... then add the argument given by Dr.
Philip Schaff in ... one, but rather as the divinely glorified one, gave visions ...
/.../johnson/the new testament commentary vol iii john/the lord seen by the.htm

John i. 49, 50
... not to "take upon Him the form of a servant" ( Philip. ... Luke 2:46 ), that at the age
of twelve years He ... that of one rejecting his mother, but of One who would ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homily xxi john i 49.htm

Acts vii. 54
... Simon was not the Apostle, but one of the ... the Apostles) ouk exeesan; okonomethe toutous
(ie Philip the deacon ... so, since the gift belonged only to the Twelve. ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily xviii acts vii 54.htm

The Olivet Message.
... Church, and possibly a Stephen, and a Philip, yet these ... This one reveals his own
conception of what must be the ... That is the last we hear of those twelve persons ...
// talks on power/the olivet message.htm

Acts x. 4-Jan
... But the Lord Himself appears: neither does He send him to some one of the Twelve,
but to ... of the plural, auton te asthenei& 139;), "as He did Philip to the ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily xxii acts x 4-jan.htm

The Epistles of Paul.
... he was not one of the original twelve, and had ... one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
one God and ... name of Philippi was Crenides (Fountains); but Philip of Macedon ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxx the epistles of.htm

John Chapter i. 34-51
... words, and doeth them not" (now let each one of us ... Not of Andrew, nor of Peter, nor
of Philip was that ... the middle nor the last among the twelve, although the ...
/.../augustine/homilies on the gospel of john/tractate vii john chapter i.htm

Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ;
... both by the Lord Jesus himself, and by the apostles afterwards ... was not an act that
is past, but one that is ... present with God, and with his Son Jesus Christ: He ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/come and welcome to jesus.htm

The Gospel of John
... read of Christ saying to Nathaniel, "Before that Philip called thee ... with Him," and
He said to the twelve, "Will ye ... Him a supper, and Lazarus is also one of the ...
// four gospels/the gospel of john.htm

Life and Conduct of the Holy Women, Xanthippe, Polyxena, and ...
... Philip the apostle of Christ said, Be not distressed concerning ... we were afraid to
remain, and in twelve days we ... letters of the brethren to Paul, one ran and ...
/.../unknown/the acts of xanthippe and polyxena/life and conduct of the.htm

Nave's Topical Index
John 14:8-13
Philip said to him, Lord, show us the Father, and it suffises us.
Nave's Topical Index



Philip the Evangelist

Philip: Caught Away by the Spirit to Azotus, Preaches in the Cities, and Goes to Caesarea

Philip: One of the Seven Servants (Greek: Diakonos)

Philip: One of the Seven Servants (Greek: Diakonos): Has Four Daughters (Prophetesses)

Philip: One of the Seven Servants (Greek: Diakonos): Lives at Caesarea, and Entertains Paul

Philip: One of the Seven Servants (Greek: Diakonos): Successfully Preaches in Samaria

Philip: One of the Seven Servants : Expounds the Scriptures to the Ethiopian Eunuch Whom he Immerses

Philip: One of the Twelve Apostles

Philip: One of the Twelve Apostles: Asks Jesus to Show the Father

Philip: One of the Twelve Apostles: Assists in Caring for the Multitude Whom Jesus Miraculously Feeds

Philip: One of the Twelve Apostles: Brings Certain Greeks to Jesus Who Desire to See Him

Philip: One of the Twelve Apostles: Brings Nathanael to Jesus

Philip: One of the Twelve Apostles: Call of

Philip: Tetrarch of Iturea

Philip: The Brother of Herod Antipas and the Husband of Herodias

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