Persecution of the Congregation at Smyrna
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Epistles to the Seven Churches.
... "And to the messenger of the congregation in Smyrna ... The angel of the church in Smyrna
is supposed to ... still further tried, and a terrible persecution was foretold ...
/.../bliss/a brief commentary on the apocalypse/epistles to the seven churches.htm

To Polycarp
... the Christians on the cessation of persecution, is a ... who is bishop of the church
at Smyrna"or rather ... the needy and the spiritual father of his congregation. ...
// christian fathers/to polycarp.htm

... and during a short but intense persecution of that ... with the churches of Philadelphia
and Smyrna, and adds a ... the picture of the local congregation governed by a ...
// christian fathers/introduction 2.htm

... possible for one, why not for a whole congregation? ... lukewarm; yet the church at Smyrna,
with all her tribulation and poverty and persecution, remained rich ...
/.../the way of salvation in the lutheran church/chapter xxiii revivals.htm

The Constitution of the Church in the Second Century.
... Where a congregation had more than one preaching ... was a presbyter of the Church of
Smyrna. ... is, immediately after the Domitian persecution; Polycarp survived ...
/.../killen/the ancient church/chapter v the constitution of.htm

Prelacy Begins in Rome.
... by the heretics supply evidence that persecution was asleep ... be found with more than
one Christian congregation; and places ... that his own Church of Smyrna did not ...
/.../killen/the ancient church/chapter vii prelacy begins in.htm

The Ecclesiastical Writers. By "The Fathers" we Understand the ...
... is said to have enjoyed the tuition of Polycarp of Smyrna. ... was martyred about AD258
in the Valerian persecution. ... he is said to have had a congregation of only ...
/.../killen/the ancient church/chapter i the ecclesiastical writers.htm

... by the good ladies of Irenaeus' own congregation on the ... of Rome at the time of the
persecution of AD ... presbyter" who for many years headed the church of Smyrna. ...
// christian fathers/introduction 8.htm

The People on the Earth: Chapters 2-3
... It was the congregation assembling in the Synagogue, and ... the angel of the Assembly
in Smyrna write; These ... xvi.10) must be the place where persecution will rage ...
/.../bullinger/commentary on revelation/the people on the earth .htm

Touching the First Subject of all the Forementioned Power of the ...
... Thyatira for tolerating Balaam, nor Smyrna for tolerating ... the Church of a particular
Congregation is the ... For though persecution of the churches and servants of ...
/.../chap vii touching the first.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Revelation 2:8-10
And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things said the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;
Nave's Topical Index



Persecution is Inconsistent With the Spirit of the Gospel

Persecution is Sometimes to Death

Persecution of Abel

Persecution of Antipas

Persecution of Daniel

Persecution of David

Persecution of Elijah

Persecution of Elisha

Persecution of Gideon

Persecution of Hanani

Persecution of James

Persecution of Jeremiah

Persecution of Jesus

Persecution of Job

Persecution of John

Persecution of John the Baptist

Persecution of Lazarus

Persecution of Lot

Persecution of Micaiah

Persecution of Moses

Persecution of Prophets

Persecution of Prophets Martyred by Jezebel

Persecution of Saints, is a Persecution of Christ

Persecution of Simon

Persecution of Stephen

Persecution of the Apostles

Persecution of the Congregation at Smyrna

Persecution of the Disciples

Persecution of the Ekklesia (Body of Christ)

Persecution of the Jews

Persecution of the Righteous

Persecution of the Righteous: A Mode of Divine Chastisement

Persecution of the Righteous: Deliverance From

Persecution of the Righteous: Diffuses the Gospel

Persecution of the Three Hebrew Young Men (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego) of the Captivity

Persecution of Timothy

Persecution of Urijah

Persecution of Zachariah

Persecution: All That Live Godly in Christ, Shall Suffer

Persecution: Blessedness of Enduring, for Christ's Sake

Persecution: Cannot Separated from Christ

Persecution: Christ Suffered

Persecution: Christ Voluntarily Submitted To

Persecution: Christ Was Patient Under

Persecution: False Teachers Shrink From

Persecution: God Delivers out of

Persecution: God Forsakes not his Saints Under

Persecution: Hypocrites Cannot Endure

Persecution: Lawful Means May be Used to Escape

Persecution: Men by Nature Addicted To

Persecution: Originates: Hated to God and Christ

Persecution: Originates: Hatred to the Gospel

Persecution: Originates: Ignorance of God and Christ

Persecution: Originates: Mistaken Zeal

Persecution: Originates: Pride

Persecution: Pray for Those Suffering

Persecution: Preacher of the Gospel Subject To

Persecution: Saints May Expect

Persecution: Saints Suffer, for the Sake of God

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Commit Themselves to God

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Exhibit Patience

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Glorify God

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Pray for Deliverance

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Pray for Those Who Inflict

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Rejoice

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Return Blessing For

Persecution: Spirit of Chaldeans

Persecution: Spirit of Gentiles

Persecution: Spirit of Herod

Persecution: Spirit of Jews

Persecution: Spirit of Jezebel

Persecution: Spirit of Paul

Persecution: Spirit of Pharaoh

Persecution: Spirit of Pharisees

Persecution: Spirit of Saul

Persecution: Spirit of Zedekiah

Persecution: Suffering of Apostles

Persecution: Suffering of Daniel

Persecution: Suffering of David

Persecution: Suffering of Hebrews

Persecution: Suffering of Jeremiah

Persecution: Suffering of Micaiah

Persecution: Suffering of Paul and Barnabas

Persecution: Suffering of Paul and Silas

Persecution: Suffering of Peter

Persecution: Suffering of Saints of Old

Persecution: Suffering of The Church

Persecution: Suffering of The Prophets

Persecution: The Hope of Future Blessedness Supports Under

Persecution: The Wicked: Active In

Persecution: The Wicked: Addicted To

Persecution: The Wicked: Encourage Each Other In

Persecution: The Wicked: Illustrated

Persecution: The Wicked: Punishment For

Persecution: The Wicked: Rejoice in Its Success

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