Persecution of Prophets
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Two Prophets of the Inward Word: Bunderlin and Entfelder
sight, in the hurly-burly of contention and in the storm of persecution, of the ...
/.../chapter iii two prophets of.htm

Demonstration xxi. --Of Persecution.
... of the kingdom; and when Jesus fulfilled the visions and the Prophets, His Father ...
in the days of Diocletian there came great affliction and persecution to the ...
/.../aphrahat/aphrahat select demonstrations/demonstration xxi of persecution.htm

Concerning Persecution
... 1 A persecution of the hand. Which of the prophets have not your fathers
persecuted?' (Acts 7:52). For thy sake we are killed all ...
/.../the beatitudes an exposition of matthew 51-12/21 concerning persecution.htm

Petilianus Said: "In the Third Place, Also...
... Or if your conduct is not a persecution of the prophets, because your instrument
is not the sword but the tongue, what was the reason of its being said under ...
/.../chapter 14 31 petilianus.htm

The Roman Conflagration and the Neronian Persecution.
... be connected with this persecution. It mentions imprisonments in Smyrna, the martyrdom
of Antipas in Pergamus, and speaks of the murder of prophets and saints ...
/.../history of the christian church volume i/section 37 the roman conflagration.htm

Prophets in their Country.
... Christ, who showed that when men believed Moses and the prophets, belief in ... all that
will to live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." [5282] And ...
/.../origens commentary on the gospel of matthew/18 prophets in their country.htm

The Holy Spirit is one and the Same who Spake in the Prophets and ...
... to Matthew He said that we ought not to take thought in persecution what we ... Both
apostles and prophets received that one Spirit, as the vessel of election, the ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter iv the holy spirit.htm

The Sermon on the Mount.
... Anticipations of the glorious future are a great tonic. For instances of
persecution of the prophets, see I. Kings xix.10; II. Chron. ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/xlii the sermon on the 2.htm

Chapter v.
... has well encouraged them by an example, because they who speak true things are wont
to suffer persecution: nevertheless did not the ancient prophets on this ...
// lords sermon on the mount/chapter v.htm

It is not Enough that God Know us to be Chaste: we must Seem So ...
... Especially in These Times of Persecution We Must Inure Our Bodies to the ... to meet
them) already arrayed in the cosmetics and ornaments of prophets and apostles ...
/.../tertullian/on the apparel of women/chapter xiii it is not enough.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Matthew 21:35,36
And the farmers took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another.
Nave's Topical Index



Persecution is Inconsistent With the Spirit of the Gospel

Persecution is Sometimes to Death

Persecution of Abel

Persecution of Antipas

Persecution of Daniel

Persecution of David

Persecution of Elijah

Persecution of Elisha

Persecution of Gideon

Persecution of Hanani

Persecution of James

Persecution of Jeremiah

Persecution of Jesus

Persecution of Job

Persecution of John

Persecution of John the Baptist

Persecution of Lazarus

Persecution of Lot

Persecution of Micaiah

Persecution of Moses

Persecution of Prophets

Persecution of Prophets Martyred by Jezebel

Persecution of Saints, is a Persecution of Christ

Persecution of Simon

Persecution of Stephen

Persecution of the Apostles

Persecution of the Congregation at Smyrna

Persecution of the Disciples

Persecution of the Ekklesia (Body of Christ)

Persecution of the Jews

Persecution of the Righteous

Persecution of the Righteous: A Mode of Divine Chastisement

Persecution of the Righteous: Deliverance From

Persecution of the Righteous: Diffuses the Gospel

Persecution of the Three Hebrew Young Men (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego) of the Captivity

Persecution of Timothy

Persecution of Urijah

Persecution of Zachariah

Persecution: All That Live Godly in Christ, Shall Suffer

Persecution: Blessedness of Enduring, for Christ's Sake

Persecution: Cannot Separated from Christ

Persecution: Christ Suffered

Persecution: Christ Voluntarily Submitted To

Persecution: Christ Was Patient Under

Persecution: False Teachers Shrink From

Persecution: God Delivers out of

Persecution: God Forsakes not his Saints Under

Persecution: Hypocrites Cannot Endure

Persecution: Lawful Means May be Used to Escape

Persecution: Men by Nature Addicted To

Persecution: Originates: Hated to God and Christ

Persecution: Originates: Hatred to the Gospel

Persecution: Originates: Ignorance of God and Christ

Persecution: Originates: Mistaken Zeal

Persecution: Originates: Pride

Persecution: Pray for Those Suffering

Persecution: Preacher of the Gospel Subject To

Persecution: Saints May Expect

Persecution: Saints Suffer, for the Sake of God

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Commit Themselves to God

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Exhibit Patience

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Glorify God

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Pray for Deliverance

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Pray for Those Who Inflict

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Rejoice

Persecution: Saints Suffering, should Return Blessing For

Persecution: Spirit of Chaldeans

Persecution: Spirit of Gentiles

Persecution: Spirit of Herod

Persecution: Spirit of Jews

Persecution: Spirit of Jezebel

Persecution: Spirit of Paul

Persecution: Spirit of Pharaoh

Persecution: Spirit of Pharisees

Persecution: Spirit of Saul

Persecution: Spirit of Zedekiah

Persecution: Suffering of Apostles

Persecution: Suffering of Daniel

Persecution: Suffering of David

Persecution: Suffering of Hebrews

Persecution: Suffering of Jeremiah

Persecution: Suffering of Micaiah

Persecution: Suffering of Paul and Barnabas

Persecution: Suffering of Paul and Silas

Persecution: Suffering of Peter

Persecution: Suffering of Saints of Old

Persecution: Suffering of The Church

Persecution: Suffering of The Prophets

Persecution: The Hope of Future Blessedness Supports Under

Persecution: The Wicked: Active In

Persecution: The Wicked: Addicted To

Persecution: The Wicked: Encourage Each Other In

Persecution: The Wicked: Illustrated

Persecution: The Wicked: Punishment For

Persecution: The Wicked: Rejoice in Its Success

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