Legion: Demons
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The Legion of Demons.
... A DAY OF MIRACLES BY THE LAKE THE LEGION OF DEMONS. ... And Jesus asked him, "What is
thy name?". And he said, "Legion;" for many demons were entered into him. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/barton/his life/the legion of demons.htm

The Lord of Demons
... less degree, we also too often deprecate the stroke which delivers, and would fain
keep the legion of evils which riot within. II. The demons beseeching Jesus ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture d/the lord of demons.htm

Appendix xvi. On the Jewish views About Demons' and the Demonised ...
... For such, or similar oversights, a whole legion of demons is on the watch (Ber.51
a). On the evening of the Passover the demons are bound, and, in general ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/appendix xvi on the jewish.htm

Jesus Heals Two Gergesene Demoniacs.
... man, ^b that was possessed with demons ^c from whom the demons were gone out, sitting,
clothed and in his right mind, ^b even him that had the legion [a faint ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/lvi jesus heals two gergesene.htm

Comparison of Christ's Power Over Winds and Waves with Moses' ...
... foes, who wields spiritual arms and fights in spiritual strife; and that it was
none other than He, [4228] who now had to contend with even a legion of demons. ...
/.../the five books against marcion/chapter xx comparison of christs power.htm

Whether Divination Practiced by Invoking the Demons is Unlawful?
... demon: "What is thy name?" and the latter replied: "My name is Legion, for we are
many" (Mk.5:9). Therefore it seems lawful to question the demons about the ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether divination practiced by invoking.htm

What we Should Believe Concerning the Transformations which Seem ...
... and these burdens, if they are real substances, are borne by the demons, that men ...
provisions for the soldiers of what is called the Rhoetian Legion, because it ...
/.../augustine/city of god/chapter 18 what we should believe.htm

Of the Deeds of Sylla, in which the Demons Boasted that He had ...
... from Jupiter was delivered to him by a soldier of the sixth legion, to the ... informs
us, and as the facts themselves sufficiently indicate, the demons are found ...
//christianbookshelf.org/augustine/city of god/chapter 24 of the deeds of.htm

Agency of Evil Spirits.
... Satan's hosts also are marshaled in companies, and the single company to
which these demons belonged numbered no less than a legion. ...
/.../the great controversy between christ and satan /31 agency of evil spirits.htm

Agency of Evil Spirits
... Satan's hosts also are marshaled in companies, and the single company to
which these demons belonged numbered no less than a legion. ...
/.../white/the great controversy/chapter 31 agency of evil.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Mark 5:9,15
And he asked him, What is your name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.
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Legion: Demons

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