Government: Paternal Functions of
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The Knowledge of God Conspicuous in the Creation, and Continual ...
... both by the structure and the government of the ... God unless he has previously tasted
his paternal love, and ... are confined to the performance of bodily functions. ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 5 the knowledge of.htm

... Played on his lips, and in his speech was heard Paternal sweetness, dignity ... Discipline
involves the judicial and executive functions of the home-government. ...
/.../philips/the christian home/chapter xix home-discipline.htm

Thou Shalt Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother.
... also they are all called fathers in the Scriptures, as those who in their government
perform the functions of a father, and should have a paternal heart toward ...
/.../luther/the large catechism/thou shalt honor thy father.htm

... sustain worthily and efficiently the functions incumbent upon ... which body conducted
the government of the ... Frederick had looked with true paternal compassion on ...
// principles of the reformation/ii.htm

St. Gregory the Great.
... His paternal house stood on that well-known slope ... redress grievances; and a legal
government was supported ... his exercise of the immense functions entrusted to ...
/.../allies/the formation of christendom volume vi/chapter v st gregory the.htm

Chaldaean Civilization
... a direct interest in his careful fulfilment of the priestly functions, and his ... avoided
associating them in any public acts of worship or government, and we ...
/.../chapter iiichaldaean civilization.htm

The Eighteenth Theban Dynasty --(Continued)
... the king's messengers" were employed, whose functions in time ... where the partisans
of the Egyptian government had suffered ... for the defects of the paternal origin ...
/.../chapter ithe eighteenth theban dynastycontinued.htm

Justifying or Sanctifying Grace
... Dei adoptivus), with a claim to the paternal inheritance, ie ... did not exercise one
of the functions it invariably ... has for its object the government of intellect ...
/.../pohle/grace actual and habitual/section 2 justifying or sanctifying.htm

From the Close of the General Conference of 1832 to the Beginning ...
... of having the gospel preached to them and to the neighboring tribes; the enterprise
was also highly favored by the United States government, particularly by ...
/.../chapter 12 from the close.htm

The Origin of Species.
... the child that resembled neither the paternal nor the ... differing very widely in their
habits and functions. ... a consular agent of the French Government in various ...
/.../huxley/lay sermons addresses and reviews/xii the origin of species.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Genesis 41:25-57
And Joseph said to Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: God has showed Pharaoh what he is about to do.
Nave's Topical Index


Communism: General Scriptures Concerning

Contingencies in Divine Government of Man


Government: Civil Service School Provided By

Government: Constitutes

Government: Corruption In

Government: Corruption in Felix, Who Expected Money from Paul

Government: Corruption in Pilate, in Delivering Jesus to Death in Order to Please the Clamoring Multitude

Government: Duty of Citizens To

Government: Executive officers of Tribes and Cities

Government: God In in Appointment of Saul As King

Government: God In in Blotting out the Household of Jeroboam

Government: God In in Counseling Solomon

Government: God In in Denouncing Solomon's Wickedness

Government: God In in Dividing the Jewish Nation Into Two Different Countries

Government: God In in Magnifying Him

Government: God In in Raising Adversaries Against Solomon

Government: God In in Saul's Rejection

Government: God In in the Appointment of David

Government: God In in the Appointment of Kings

Government: God In in the Destruction of Nations

Government: Imperial

Government: Maintains of Public Instruction

Government: Monarchical by Ahasuerus

Government: Monarchical by David

Government: Monarchical by Herod

Government: Monarchical by Nebuchadnezzar

Government: Monarchical by Saul

Government: Monarchical by Solomon

Government: Mosaic: Accepted, and Agreed To, the Law Given by Moses

Government: Mosaic: Administrative and Judicial System

Government: Mosaic: Among the Egyptians

Government: Mosaic: Among the Gibeonites

Government: Mosaic: Among the Midianites and Moabites

Government: Mosaic: Assists Solomon at the Dedication of the Temple

Government: Mosaic: Chooses David As King

Government: Mosaic: Chose, or Ratified, the Chief Ruler

Government: Mosaic: Closely Associated With David

Government: Mosaic: Closely Associated With Moses and Subsequent Leaders

Government: Mosaic: Corrupt

Government: Mosaic: Counsels King Ahab

Government: Mosaic: Counsels King Rehoboam

Government: Mosaic: David Rebukes

Government: Mosaic: Demands a King

Government: Mosaic: Joins Absalom in his Usurpation

Government: Mosaic: Josiah Assembles to Hear the Law of the Lord

Government: Mosaic: Legislates in Later Times

Government: Mosaic: Legislates With Ezra in Reforming Certain Marriages With the Heathen

Government: Mosaic: Possessed Veto Power Over the King's Purposes

Government: Mosaic: Refused to Make Conquest of Canaan

Government: Mosaic: Saul Pleads to be Honored Before

Government: Mosaic: Seeks Counsel from Prophets

Government: Mosaic: Sits As a Court

Government: Mosaic: The Court in Certain Capital Cases

Government: Mosaic: Unfaithful to the City

Government: Municipal: Devolving Upon a Local Senate and Executive officers

Government: Paternal Functions of

Government: Provincial

Government: Representative

Government: Theocratic

Government: Unclassified Scriptures Relating to God In

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