Gates: Closed at Night
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The "Little Knife" Insurrection
... thieves. In the winter season, when men have more leisure and more temptation
to plunder, these gates are closed every night. During ...
/.../fagg/forty years in south china/vi the little knife insurrection.htm

His Journey to Rome, Venice, Jerusalem, and the Holy Land
... After reaching the city, he found the gates closed. He spent the night in a damp
church, and in the morning sought to enter the city, but could not obtain ...
/.../loyola/the autobiography of st ignatius/chapter iv his journey to.htm

Everybody's Sermon
... the bars of immutable justice shall have fast closed the gates ... shall have shut his
children within the gates of Paradise ... And at night time thou wast startled. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/everybodys sermon.htm

On the Incarnation and Redemption
... At night these gates were closed and guarded. Nearly all the people lived within
the walls and the country was lonely and almost deserted. ...
/.../kinkead/baltimore catechism no 4/lesson 7 on the incarnation.htm

The Capture of Jericho and Ai
... Now Jericho had closed its gates because of ... he had the ark of Jehovah carried around
the city once; then they returned to the camp and spent the night there ...
/.../sherman/the childrens bible/the capture of jericho and.htm

Be Diligent
... 'The gates' of the New Jerusalem 'shall not be closed day nor night'; but through
the ever-open gates none can pass except they who have washed their robes and ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture ephesians peter/be diligent.htm

On the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
... When he arrived before the gates, they closed themselves by ... Then the gates opened
of themselves, and he bore it into ... God seldom allows a day or a night to pass ...
// inner way/sermon xxi on the exaltation.htm

Angelic Comforters.
... swept majestically upwards"till (dimming on their view) the gates of heaven closed
on Him ... of God shouted for joy"onwards to the eventful night when they ...
/...// of bethany/xxii angelic comforters.htm

In Christ and in Ephesus
... But we must guard these plants by keeping the gates of our hearts closed night and
day against evil. Only thus can we keep pure and acceptable to God. ...
// talks/talk thirty-four in christ and.htm

Diamond Said Nothing to his Mother About his Adventures. ...
... at a bed of tulips, which, although they had closed for the ... You would like to go
with me to-night?". ... went out by the wicket in the-coach-house gates, and then ...
/.../macdonald/at the back of the north wind/chapter 5 diamond said nothing.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Joshua 2:5,7
And it came to pass about the time of shutting of the gate, when it was dark, that the men went out: where the men went I know not: pursue after them quickly; for you shall overtake them.
Nave's Topical Index



Gates of Christ

Gates of Cities

Gates of Cities: Battering Rams Used Against

Gates of Cities: Chief Places of Concourse

Gates of Cities: Chief Points of Attack in War

Gates of Cities: Conferences Held At

Gates of Cities: Councils of State Held At

Gates of Cities: Courts of Justice Held At

Gates of Cities: Criminals Punished At

Gates of Cities: Custom of Sitting At, in the Evening, Alluded To

Gates of Cities: Experienced officers Placed Over

Gates of Cities: Idolatrous Rites Performed At

Gates of Cities: Land Redeemed At

Gates of Cities: Land Sold At

Gates of Cities: Markets Held At

Gates of Cities: Often Razed and Burned

Gates of Cities: Proclamations Made At

Gates of Cities: Public Censure Passed At

Gates of Cities: Public Commendation Given At

Gates of Cities: Shut at Night-Fall

Gates of Cities: Troops Reviewed At, Going to War

Gates of Death

Gates of Hell

Gates of Jerusalem: Corner Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Dung Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Fish Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Gate of Ephraim

Gates of Jerusalem: Gate of Miphkad

Gates of Jerusalem: Gate of the Fountain

Gates of Jerusalem: High Gate of Benjamin

Gates of Jerusalem: Horse Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Old Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Sheep Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Valley Gate

Gates of Jerusalem: Water Gate

Gates of Righteousness

Gates of Salvation

Gates of the Gospel

Gates of the Grave

Gates of the People of a City

Gates of the Powers of Hell (Hades)

Gates of the Temple: Called Gates of Righteousness

Gates of the Temple: Called Gates of the Lord

Gates of the Temple: Called Gates of Zion

Gates of the Temple: Charge of, Given by Lot

Gates of the Temple: Frequented by Beggars

Gates of the Temple: Levites the Porters of

Gates of the Temple: One Specially Beautiful

Gates of the Temple: Overlaid With Gold

Gates of the Temple: The Pious Israelites Delighted to Enter

Gates of the Temple: The Treasury Placed At

Gates: (Of Heaven) Access to God

Gates: (Of Hell) Satan's Power

Gates: (Of the Grave) Death

Gates: (Strait) the Entrance to Life

Gates: (Wide) the Entrance to Ruin

Gates: Bodies of Criminals Exposed to View At

Gates: Carcase of Sin-Offering Burned Without

Gates: Closed at Night

Gates: Closed on the Sabbath

Gates: Conferences on Public Affairs

Gates: Criminals Generally Punished Without

Gates: Design of

Gates: Double Doors

Gates: Fastened With Bars of Iron

Gates: Guards At

Gates: Holding Courts of Justice

Gates: Jails Made in the Towers of

Gates: Made of Brass

Gates: Made of Iron

Gates: Made of Wood

Gates: Made to Camps

Gates: Made to Cities

Gates: Made to Houses

Gates: Made to Palaces

Gates: Made to Prisons

Gates: Made to Rivers

Gates: Made to Temples

Gates: Often Two-Leaved

Gates: Place for Public Concourse

Gates: Punishment of Criminals Outside of

Gates: Religious Services Held At

Gates: Symbolical

Gates: The Law Read At

Gates: The Open Square of, a Place for Idlers

Gates: The Place for the Transaction of Public Business, Announcement of Legal Transactions

Gates: Thrones of Kings At

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