Evil: Paul, in Refusing to Eat What had been offered to Idols
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The Ordination of Paul and Barnabas; their Missionary Tour in Asia ...
... at a subsequent period, we find Paul refusing, in consequence ... Gentiles, and made
their minds evil affected against ... deputies [84:5] sent with Paul and Barnabas ...
/.../killen/the ancient church/chapter v the ordination of.htm

He that Doubteth is Damned if He Eat, Because He Eateth not of ...
... Paul says, in reference to all laws of this kind, "He that ... be so abused and to produce
so much evil, I ask ... of people on this subject; as if by refusing to get ...
/.../finney/lectures to professing christians/he that doubteth is damned.htm

1 Cor. x. 25
... injury to our brother, because of the evil-speaking of ... lawless son, but still a son:
whereas Paul wished to ... a view to their own interest refusing to confront ...
/.../homilies on the epistles of paul to the corinthians/homily xxv 1 cor x.htm

The Extension of the Church Throughout the World
... its inhabitants were doubly enslaved by the Evil One ... Paul, and we are not allowed
to trace even his ... of men then existing an opportunity of refusing or accepting ...
/.../blunt/a key to the knowledge of church history/chapter iii the extension of.htm

1 Cor. viii. 1
... there, and were producing thereby great and ruinous evil. ... Me, but I have chosen you."
And Paul elsewhere, "Then ... gained no ground by their refusing to condescend ...
/.../homilies on the epistles of paul to the corinthians/homily xx 1 cor viii.htm

Peaceable Principles and True: Or, a Brief Answer to Mr. D'Anver's ...
... Men must be bad, ere they do evil; and good, ere ... same reason, or anything like it,
for refusing baptism, be ... wise man's proverb, not to let Mr. Paul pass with ...
/.../the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/peaceable principles and true or.htm

Letter cxxiii. To Ageruchia.
... If Paul can say to Timothy, "the younger widows refuse ... 3312] what plea can you urge
for refusing to hear my ... all persons to whom a suspicion of evil living may ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter cxxiii to ageruchia.htm

Concerning the Communion, or Participation of the Body and Blood ...
... they would rob themselves if they did evil, because they ... wit, Matthew, Mark, and
Luke, and by Paul to the ... him; which being spoken upon Peter's refusing to let ...
/.../proposition xiii concerning the communion.htm

Opposition to Messiah Unreasonable
... When Paul preached at Ephesus, Demetrius and his companions ... The very evil they feared
came upon them. ... they are riveting upon themselves, by refusing His easy ...
/.../newton/messiah vol 2/sermon xxxiii opposition to messiah.htm

Sovereignty and Human Responsibility
... only as impotent to do good but as delighting in evil. ... would be on a par with refusing
to perform ... the temporal preservation of all who accompanied Paul in the ...
/.../pink/the sovereignty of god/chapter eight sovereignty and human.htm

Nave's Topical Index
1 Corinthians 8:13
Why, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world stands, lest I make my brother to offend.
Nave's Topical Index



Evil Eye

Evil for Good: David, to Uriah

Evil for Good: General Scriptures Concerning

Evil for Good: Israelites, to Moses

Evil for Good: Joseph Accuses his Brothers of Rendering

Evil for Good: Nabal Returns, to David

Evil for Good: Saul Returns, to David

Evil for Good: To Joab

Evil in Supporting Himself

Evil in the World

Evil One

Evil People

Evil Spirit

Evil Spirits

Evil Thing

Evil Thoughts

Evil: Appearance of, to be Avoided

Evil: Paul, in Refusing to Eat What had been offered to Idols

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