Demons: Worship of, Forbidden
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Whether the First Precept of the Decalogue is Fittingly Expressed?
... the very making of images was fittingly forbidden by the ... any graven thing," as also
the worship of those ... compact, tacit or explicit, with the demons; hence all ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether the first precept of.htm

Of the Fact that the God of the Hebrews is not Received by the ...
... to been treated, [569] and that the evil demons are to ... explanation of their refusal
to admit the worship of this ... this God to be, who has forbidden the worship ...
/.../augustine/the harmony of the gospels/chapter xviii of the fact that.htm

All Association with Idols is to be Avoided.
... You are also forbidden to swear by them, or to ... abominable names through your mouth,
and to worship them, or ... they are not gods, but either wicked demons or the ...
/.../constitutions of the holy apostles/sec ii all association with idols.htm

Of Porphyry's Epistle to Anebo, in which He Asks for Information ...
... of assuming all forms, simulating gods, demons, and dead ... works, and closely allied
to the worship of the ... exhalations; why the initiated are forbidden to touch ...
/.../augustine/city of god/chapter 11 of porphyrys epistle to.htm

Concerning Images .
... the divine Scripture blames those who worship graven images ... sacrificed: but the Greeks
to demons and the ... were images of deities, were rejected and forbidden. ...
/.../john/exposition of the orthodox faith/chapter xvi concerning images.htm

And yet it is Perhaps Straining Too Far for those who do Believe ...
... out by the attendant priest of those demons, to the ... in accordance with that form
of worship which had ... of Jerusalem which they so venerated is forbidden to them ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/chapter xviii and yet it.htm

The divine institutes
... XXVIII.--Of the Demons, and Their Evil Practices. ... LVIII.--Of the True Worship of
God, and Sacrifice ... are to Be Subdued, and We Must Abstain from Forbidden Things ...
// divine institutes/

The Unclean Spirits.
... and the practice of which God has expressly forbidden. ... In this revival of demon-worship,
the old gods of ... to give place to "doctrines of demons." The teachings ...
/.../bliss/a brief commentary on the apocalypse/the unclean spirits.htm

In Regard to the Persians, we have Already Said that Though they ...
... This is forbidden to us, for we have been taught not ... of a better state, ought not
in our worship to hold ... all the gods of the nations which are demons; but it ...
/.../origen/origen against celsus/chapter lxv in regard to.htm

Whether the Image of Christ Should be Adored with the Adoration of ...
... nothing should be done in the Divine worship that is ... towards the thing, adoration
thereof is forbidden in the ... venerating their own gods, ie the demons, and so ...
/.../ theologica/whether the image of christ.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Leviticus 17:7
And they shall no more offer their sacrifices to devils, after whom they have gone a whoring. This shall be a statute for ever to them throughout their generations.
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Zechariah 13:2
And it shall come to pass in that day, said the LORD of hosts, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, and they shall no more be remembered: and also I will cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land.
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Revelation 9:20
And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
Nave's Topical Index



Demons: Adversaries of Men

Demons: Believe and Tremble

Demons: Cast out by Jesus

Demons: Cast out by Paul

Demons: Cast out by Peter

Demons: Cast out by Philip

Demons: Cast out by the Disciples

Demons: Disciples Could not Expel

Demons: Jesus Falsely Accused of Being Possessed of

Demons: Mary Magdalene

Demons: Messages Given False Prophets By

Demons: Parable of the Man Repossessed by Unclean Spirits

Demons: Possession by Saul

Demons: Power Over, Given the Disciples

Demons: Punishment of

Demons: Sceva's Sons Exorcise

Demons: Sent to Foment Trouble Between Abimelech and the Shechemites

Demons: Testify to the Divinity of Jesus

Demons: The Daughter of the Syrophoenician Woman

Demons: The Deaf and Blind Man

Demons: The Deaf Man

Demons: The Epileptic Boy

Demons: The Herd of Swine

Demons: The Man in the Synagogue

Demons: To be Judged at the General Judgment

Demons: Two Men of the Gergesenes (Gadarenes, Gerasenes)

Demons: Worship of

Demons: Worship of, Forbidden

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