Dedication of Houses
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At the Dedication of a Church
... THE INNER WAY SERMON XXXVI At the Dedication of a Church. ... has faithfully taught us
here, what we must do that our hearts may be clean and pure houses of prayer ...
/...// inner way/sermon xxxvi at the dedication.htm

At the Feast of the Dedication of the Temple.
... of Maccabees - that of illuminating the Temple and private houses - became
characteristic of ... The Feast of the Dedication,' or of Lights,' derived from that ...
/.../edersheim/the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xiv at the feast.htm

Death of Arcadius, and Government of Theodosius The
... and all the subjects of the Roman empire as witnesses to her self-dedication. ... taught
him to frequent the church regularly, and to honor the houses of prayer ...
/.../the ecclesiastical history of sozomenus/chapter i death of arcadius and.htm

Solomon's Reign.
... (5) Temples or houses of worship are of value in giving dignity to ... (4) [sic] Solomon's
temple: (a) Its size and plan; (b) Its equipment; (c) Its dedication. ...
/.../tidwell/the bible period by period/chapter xii solomons reign.htm

The Dedications in Every Place.
... was seen the sight which had been desired and prayed for by us all; feasts of
dedication in the cities and consecrations of the newly built houses of prayer ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter iii the dedications in every.htm

Prayer and Consecration
... and to Carixenus my daughter to be taken home to their houses and supported for ...
Consecration is the voluntary set dedication of one's self to God, an offering ...
/.../bounds/the essentials of prayer/viii prayer and consecration.htm

The Restoration.
... a lapse of about fifty-seven years from the completion and dedication of the ... of effort
to build the temple the Jews were busy building houses for themselves (1 ...
/.../tidwell/the bible period by period/chapter xvi the restoration.htm

Whether this Sacrament Ought to be Celebrated in a House and with ...
... in a case of necessity this sacrament can be performed in houses which have ... And on
this account the solemnity of a church dedication is observed for eight days ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether this sacrament ought to 2.htm

The Mendicant Orders
... the accompanying disease and misery called for a new kind of dedication to religion ...
This was established on the lines of houses in other Orders; and although he ...
/.../medley/the church and the empire/chapter xiii the mendicant orders.htm

Altar and Temple
... from the remote antiquity of the Exodus, and from the dedication of Solomon's ... lots
and set to putting up a church before they had built themselves houses. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/altar and temple.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Deuteronomy 20:5
And the officers shall speak to the people, saying, What man is there that has built a new house, and has not dedicated it? let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man dedicate it.
Nave's Topical Index




Dedication by Idolaters in Setting up Idols

Dedication of Houses

Dedication of Property often Perverted

Dedication of Samuel by his Mother

Dedication of Self: Feast of Dedication

Dedication of the Tabernacle

Dedication of the Wall of Jerusalem

Dedication: Consecration of a Place of Worship

Dedication: Devoting Any Thing to Sacred Uses

Dedication: Illustrated of Devotedness to God

Dedication: Law Concerning Dedicated Things

Dedication: Must be Without Blemish

Dedication: Not Redeemable

Dedication: Offering Must be Voluntary

Dedication: Second Temple

Dedication: Solemn Confirmation of a Covenant

Dedication: Solomon's Temple

Dedication: Subjects of Houses when Built

Dedication: Subjects of Persons

Dedication: Subjects of Property

Dedication: Subjects of Second Temple

Dedication: Subjects of Spoils of War

Dedication: Subjects of Tabernacle

Dedication: Subjects of Temple of Solomon

Dedication: Subjects of Tribute from Foreigners

Dedication: Subjects of Walls of Cities

Dedication: Things Dedicated to God for Support of Priests

Dedication: Things Dedicated to God: Applied to the Repair and Maintenance of the Temple

Dedication: Things Dedicated to God: Esteemed Holy

Dedication: Things Dedicated to God: Given to Propitiate Enemies

Dedication: Things Dedicated to God: Law Respecting the Release of

Dedication: Things Dedicated to God: Levites Place Over

Dedication: Things Dedicated to God: Placed With the Treasures of the Lord's House

Dedication: Things Dedicated to God: Special Chambers Prepared For

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