Clay: Man Formed From
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Some Considerations in Reply Eulogistic of the Flesh it was ...
... Remember, too, that man is properly called flesh, which had a prior occupation in
man's designation: "And God formed man the clay of the ground." [7322] He now ...
/.../on the resurrection of the flesh/chapter v some considerations in reply.htm

Soul and Body Conceived, Formed and Perfected in Element ...
... Adam's flesh was formed of clay ... as these two different and separate substances, the
clay and the ... at the first creation in forming the individual man, they then ...
/.../tertullian/a treatise on the soul/chapter xxvii soul and body conceived.htm

Of Living Creatures, of Man; Prometheus, Deucalion, the Parcæ.
... For what need was there that man should be formed of clay, when he might be generated
in the same way in which Prometheus himself was born from Iapetus? ...
/.../lactantius/the divine institutes/chap xi of living creatures of.htm

Proofs of the Resurrection from Isaiah and Ezekiel; the Same God ...
... For, as the Scripture says, He made [man] by a kind of process: "And the Lord took
clay from the earth, and formed man." [4582] Wherefore also the Lord spat on ...
/.../irenaeus/against heresies/chapter xv proofs of the resurrection.htm

Homer's Knowledge of Man's Origin.
... And that man was formed of earth ... history which says, "Dust thou art, and unto dust
shalt thou return," [2579] calls the lifeless body of Hector dumb clay. ...
/.../chapter xxx homers knowledge of mans.htm

How we must Understand that Breathing of God by which "The First ...
... sufficiently show: "And God made man dust of the earth;" which some have thought
to render more clearly by the words, "And God formed man of the clay of the ...
/.../augustine/city of god/chapter 24 how we must understand.htm

The Potter and the Clay
... the common substratum out of which we were all formed. Clay indeed it was, but clay
wonderfully modified, even by ... that it is said "God built the man;" he did ...
/.../whitefield/selected sermons of george whitefield/the potter and the clay.htm

That one God Formed all Things in the World, by Means of the Word ...
... And this is He of whom the Scripture says, "And God formed man, taking clay of the
earth, and breathed into his face the breath of life." [4063] It was not ...
/.../irenaeus/against heresies/chapter xx that one god formed.htm

Man's Place in the World.
... Later he formed the grass and the rush of the ... of a vital impulse toward a higher
manifestation of life"man. ... at Rome has portrayed how lifeless clay in form ...
// making of a nation/study i mans place in.htm

The Charge of Worshipping a Cross the Heathens Themselves Made ...
... Pallas, or the Pharian Ceres, and wood formed into a ... project laterally, if you simply
place a man with his ... as it were, he applies a covering of clay, and so ...
// nationes/chapter xii name charge of.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Job 33:6
Behold, I am according to your wish in God's stead: I also am formed out of the clay.
Nave's Topical Index



Clay used by Potter

Clay: Blind Man's Eyes Anointed With

Clay: Figurative

Clay: Man Formed From

Clay: Seals Made of

Clay: Symbolical

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