Birds: Cages of
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The First Games
... But in Africa, where there are plenty of birds, big people as well as little love
them. In the Moorish cafes, in the wretchedest gourbis, cages made of reeds ...
// augustin/iv the first games.htm

The Dove of God
... If we are trusting in Him, He will come and put His Spirit within our hearts.
Without Him these hearts are cages of unclean and hateful birds. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture a/the dove of god.htm

The Unrivalled Friend
... have much of this world's earth in their mouths, but when the Lord is pleased to
take away their comforts and possessions, then, like birds in cages they begin ...
// on proverbs/the unrivalled friend.htm

A Letter from a West Indian Cottage Ornee
... tropic birds, lest they should grow too proud of their gay feathers, are denied
the gift of song. One look, lastly, at the animals which live, either in cages ...
// last/chapter v a letter from.htm

The Heinous Sin of Drunkenness
... of Zion? No, as by drunkenness you have made your hearts cages of unclean
birds, with impure and unclean spirits must you dwell. ...
/.../selected sermons of george whitefield/the heinous sin of drunkenness.htm

Christ Cleansing the Temple
... He would not hurt the birds, nor rob their owners. And so He neither overthrew nor
opened the cages, but bade them 'Take these things hence'; and then came the ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture i/christ cleansing the temple.htm

Christians, Temples of the Living God
... Or what concord hath Christ with Belial?" Shall those who are temples of the living
God, suffer themselves to be dens of thieves and cages of unclean birds? ...
/.../selected sermons of george whitefield/christians temples of the living.htm

The Way to God
... I reside. They consist, for the most part, of men who carry cages with them
in which to catch birds on the common. There is another ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 5 1859/the way to god.htm

Carey's Last Days
... plants and words, but visit his dwelling and you find he has fitted up and classified
shelves full of minerals, stones, shells, etc., and cages full of birds. ...
/.../smith/the life of william carey/chapter xvi careys last days.htm

Soul Winning
... Every Sunday when I leave my house, I cannot help seeing as I come along, men with
their little cages and their stuffed birds, trying all around the common and ...
// on proverbs/soul winning.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Jeremiah 5:1
Run you to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if you can find a man, if there be any that executes judgment, that seeks the truth; and I will pardon it.
Nave's Topical Index

Jeremiah 27:1
In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah came this word to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying,
Nave's Topical Index

Revelation 18:2
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
Nave's Topical Index



Birds are Hostile to Strange Kinds

Birds of Abomination

Birds of Cruel and Rapacious Kings

Birds of Hostile Nations

Birds of People of Different Countries

Birds of Prey

Birds of the Devil and his Spirits

Birds of Unsettled Person

Birds: (Snaring) Death

Birds: (Snaring) Designs of the Wicked

Birds: Appointed for Food

Birds: Cages of

Birds: Called: Birds of the Air

Birds: Called: Feathered Fowl

Birds: Called: Fowls of Heaven

Birds: Called: Fowls of the Air

Birds: Called: Winged Fowl

Birds: Can all be Tamed

Birds: Clean: Cock and Hen

Birds: Clean: Crane

Birds: Clean: Dove

Birds: Clean: Offered in Sacrifice

Birds: Clean: Partridge

Birds: Clean: Pigeon

Birds: Clean: Quail

Birds: Clean: Sparrow

Birds: Clean: Swallow

Birds: Clean: To be Eaten

Birds: Clean: Turtle

Birds: Confinement of, in Cages Alluded To

Birds: Created by God

Birds: Created for the Glory of God

Birds: Creation of, on the Fifth Creative Day

Birds: Differ in Flesh from Beasts and Fishes

Birds: Divine Care of

Birds: Domesticated

Birds: Early Distinguished Into Clean and Clean

Birds: Figurative

Birds: Fly Above the Earth

Birds: Furnished With Claws

Birds: Given As Food to Man

Birds: God Provides For

Birds: Habits of

Birds: Have Each Their Peculiar Note or Song

Birds: Herb of the Field Given As Food To

Birds: Inhabit: Deserted Cities

Birds: Inhabit: Deserts

Birds: Inhabit: Marshes

Birds: Inhabit: Mountains

Birds: Instinct of, Inferior to Man's Reason

Birds: Instinctively Fear Man

Birds: Instincts of

Birds: Lessons of Wisdom to be Learned From

Birds: Make Their Nests in Clefts of Rocks

Birds: Make Their Nests in Deserted Cities

Birds: Make Their Nests in Trees

Birds: Make Their Nests: On the Ground

Birds: Make Their Nests: Under the Roofs of Houses

Birds: Make, and Dwell in Nests

Birds: Man's Dominion Over

Birds: Many Kinds of, Carnivorous

Birds: Many Kinds of, Graniverous

Birds: Many Kinds of, Migratory

Birds: Migrate

Birds: Moses' Law Protected the Mother from Being Taken With the Young

Birds: Names Given To, by Adam

Birds: Nests of

Birds: No Likeness of, to be Made for Worship

Birds: Not to be Eaten With Their Young

Birds: Often Remove from Places Suffering Calamities

Birds: Often Suffered for Man's Sin

Birds: Often Worshipped by Idolaters

Birds: Power Over Given to Man

Birds: Propagated by Eggs

Birds: Rapid Flight of, Alluded To

Birds: Rest on Trees

Birds: Solomon Wrote the History of

Birds: Solomon's Proverbs of

Birds: Songs of, at the Break of Day

Birds: Symbolical

Birds: Taken in Snares or Nets

Birds: The Blood of, not to be Eaten

Birds: The Property of God

Birds: Unclean: Bat

Birds: Unclean: Bittern

Birds: Unclean: Cormorant

Birds: Unclean: Cuckoo

Birds: Unclean: Eagle

Birds: Unclean: Gier Eagle

Birds: Unclean: Glede

Birds: Unclean: Great Owl

Birds: Unclean: Hawk

Birds: Unclean: Heron

Birds: Unclean: Kite

Birds: Unclean: Lapwing

Birds: Unclean: Little Owl

Birds: Unclean: Nighthawk

Birds: Unclean: Not to be Eaten

Birds: Unclean: Osprey

Birds: Unclean: Ossifrage

Birds: Unclean: Ostrich

Birds: Unclean: Owl

Birds: Unclean: Peacock

Birds: Unclean: Pelican

Birds: Unclean: Raven

Birds: Unclean: Stork

Birds: Unclean: Swan

Birds: Unclean: Vulture

Birds: What Species Were Unclean

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