Beth-Baal-Meon: Called Baal-Meon
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Perea. Beyond Jordan.
... cities, which are in the plain, Dibon, and Bamoth-Baal, and Beth-Baal-Meon," &c ... The
whole country, indeed, which was beyond Jordan, was called Perea: but it was ...
/.../lightfoot/from the talmud and hebraica/chapter 91 perea beyond jordan.htm

... in Assyria, 2 years 727 Ulula, called Shalmaneser IV ... I built Baal-Meon (Joshua
13:17) and made ... diblathain (Jeremiah 48:22), and Beth-baal-meon, and transported ...
/.../sayce/early israel and the surrounding nations/appendices.htm

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Numbers 32:38
And Nebo, and Baalmeon, (their names being changed,) and Shibmah: and gave other names to the cities which they built.
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Ezekiel 25:9
Therefore, behold, I will open the side of Moab from the cities, from his cities which are on his frontiers, the glory of the country, Bethjeshimoth, Baalmeon, and Kiriathaim,
Nave's Topical Index



Beth-Baal-Meon: A Place in the Territory of the Tribe of Reuben

Beth-Baal-Meon: Assigned to the Reubenites

Beth-Baal-Meon: Called Baal-Meon

Beth-Baal-Meon: Called Beon

Beth-Baal-Meon: Called Beth-Meon

Beth-Baal-Meon: Subdued by the Israelites

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