Apostles: A Title Distinguishing the Twelve Disciples
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... John did not want any title, and when we are ... calls himself the "least of all the
apostles." Later on ... humility is sought after as the distinguishing feature of ...
//christianbookshelf.org/moody/the overcoming life/humility.htm

The Extension of the Church Throughout the World
... in ordaining Elders or Priests, the distinguishing work of ... Mark soon after separated
the two Apostles, whose labours ... the first mention of the title and rights ...
/.../blunt/a key to the knowledge of church history/chapter iii the extension of.htm

Appendix ii. Conflation and the So-Called Neutral Text.
... as being a most inadequate and untrue title for the ... He took (His Apostles) and withdrew
privately. ... And as to b, the distinguishing aphormen tina would be a very ...
/.../appendix ii conflation and the.htm

The Lame Man Cured by Peter and John.
... hundred thousand crowns." How great do the Apostles appear ... who were eager to have
his title to the ... the gospel, as to be incapable of distinguishing the degrees ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture iv the lame man.htm

The Influences that Produced the New Testament
... no less wonderful and awe-inspiring because, distinguishing some of ... Its title and
the fact that the Church Fathers ... of Jesus by those of the Apostles led the ...
/.../v the influences that produced.htm

Against Heresies
... Title Page. ... by the authority of a presbyter who had been taught by the apostles. ... Chapter
XXXIX.--Man is endowed with the faculty of distinguishing good and evil ...
//christianbookshelf.org/irenaeus/against heresies/

Messiah's Innocence vindicated
... more at a distance than the other apostles; for when He ... Jews proposed such an alteration
of the title affixed to ... and it ought to be a distinguishing feature in ...
/.../newton/messiah vol 1/sermon xxiv messiahs innocence vindicated.htm

The Canon from Semler to the Present Time, with Reflections on Its ...
... to those of the Old Testament having that title. ... Paul stood above the primitive apostles
in the extent to ... By distinguishing the temporal and the eternal in ...
/.../davidson/the canon of the bible/chapter xi the canon from.htm

On the Article, and in one Holy Ghost, the Comforter, which Spake ...
... unclean;" for to each is joined its distinguishing name, to ... the river Jordan: Who
came upon the Apostles on the ... The full title of his work was A Refutation and ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/lecture xvi on the article.htm

Daniel's Band
... adore him for his matchless mercy, his distinguishing grace ... love; then, surely, I
may claim the title of "a ... then he had twelve choicer men, his apostles; and he ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 38 1892/daniels band.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Luke 6:13
And when it was day, he called to him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles;
Nave's Topical Index



Apostles: A Title Distinguishing the Twelve Disciples

Apostles: Authority of Commission of, Above

Apostles: Commission of

Apostles: Duties of Commission of, Above,

Apostles: Fail to Comprehend the Nature and Mission of Jesus

Apostles: False

Apostles: Forsake Jesus

Apostles: Inspiration of

Apostles: Miraculous Power Given To

Apostles: Moral State of, Before Pentecost

Apostles: Names of

Apostles: Selection of

Apostles: Slow to Receive Jesus, As Messiah

Apostles: Unlearned

The Apostles were Hated by the World

The Apostles were not of the World

The Apostles were Unlearned Men

The Apostles: Called by Christ

The Apostles: Called by God

The Apostles: Called by The Holy Spirit

The Apostles: Christ Always Present With

The Apostles: Christ Pre-Eminently Called "The Apostle"

The Apostles: Empowered to Work Miracles

The Apostles: Equal Authority Given to Each of

The Apostles: Guided by the Spirit Into all Truth

The Apostles: Humility Urged Upon

The Apostles: Instructed by the Spirit to Answer Adversaries

The Apostles: Mutual Love Urged Upon

The Apostles: Ordained by Christ

The Apostles: Persecutions and Sufferings of

The Apostles: Received Their Title from Christ

The Apostles: Saw Christ in the Flesh

The Apostles: Selected from Obscure Stations

The Apostles: Self-Denial Urged Upon

The Apostles: Sent First to the House of Israel

The Apostles: Sent to Preach the Gospel to all Nations

The Apostles: Specially Devoted to the office of the Ministry

The Apostles: The Holy Spirit Given To

The Apostles: Warned Against a Timid Profession of Christ

The Apostles: Witnesses of the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ

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