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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia




Observations on the Words of John the Baptist John I. ...
... Who, indeed, but Christ could dare to claim the Church as His bride, whom He alone,
and none other, hath called from Libanus, saying: "Come hither from Libanus ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter x observations on the.htm

Israel in Canaan.
... In the north, rise the high mountains of Libanus, a spur from which goes the whole
length of the land, and forms two slopes, whence the rivers flow, either ...
// chosen people/lesson v israel in canaan.htm

On the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
... Quasi cedrus exaltata sum in Libano, it quasi cypressus in monte Sion. "I was exalted
like a cedar in Libanus, and as a cypress-tree on Mount Sion.". ...
// inner way/sermon xxii on the exaltation.htm

Aristobulus is Taken Off by Pompey's Friends, as is his Son ...
... But Ptolemy, the son of Menneus, who was then ruler of Chalcis, under Libanus, took
his brethren to him by sending his son Philippio for them to Ascalon, who ...
/.../chapter 9 aristobulus is taken.htm

Psalm XXIX.
... "The Lord shall break the cedars of Libanus." The Lord by repentance shall break
them that are lifted on high by the splendour of earthly nobility, when to ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm xxix.htm

Whether Man Can Make Satisfaction to God?
... and all that he has, does not suffice to pay what he owes for the blessing of creation,
wherefore it is written (Is.40:16) that "the wood of Libanus shall not ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether man can make satisfaction.htm

How Every Nation was Denominated from their First Inhabitants.
... 2. The children of Ham possessed the land from Syria and Amanus, and the mountains
of Libanus; seizing upon all that was on its sea-coasts, and as far as the ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 6 how every nation.htm

The Transformation of Rome from a Pagan into a Christian City.
... There is also a name, LIBANUS, under which another hand has written EPISCOPUS,
and, lower down, LIBANUS EPI[SCOPUS]. It is very ...
/.../lanciani/pagan and christian rome/chapter i the transformation of.htm

How Solomon Built Himself a Royal Palace, Very Costly and Splendid ...
... He also went and cut down materials of timber out of the mountain called Libanus,
for the roof of temples; and when he had pulled down the ancient temples, he ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 5 how solomon built.htm

Psalm LXXII.
... of the Lord, prepared on the summit of the mountains: of which here he speaketh,
"in the tops of the mountains." "Highly superexalted above Libanus shall be ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm lxxii.htm

Smith's Bible Dictionary


Libanus. Liars, Libanus. Libation . Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia LIBANUS.
lib'-a-nus. See LEBANON. Liars, Libanus. Libation . ...
/l/libanus.htm - 6k

Anti-libanus. Antilibanus, Anti-libanus. Antilogemena . Int. Standard Bible
Encyclopedia ANTI-LIBANUS. an-ti-lib'-a-nus. See LEBANON. ...
/a/anti-libanus.htm - 6k

... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia ANTI-LIBANUS. an-ti-lib'-a-nus. See LEBANON. ...
/a/antilibanus.htm - 6k

Liars (14 Occurrences)

/l/liars.htm - 10k

Libation (29 Occurrences)

/l/libation.htm - 15k

Lebanon (66 Occurrences)
... leb'-a-non (lebanon; Septuagint Libanos; Vulgate (Jerome's Latin Bible, 390-405
AD) Libanus): 1. Name: Derived from the root labhen, "to be white," probably ...
/l/lebanon.htm - 45k

Fir-tree (5 Occurrences)
... In APC Sirach 24:13, Wisdom says: "I was exalted like a cedar in Libanus, And as
a cypress tree on the mountains of Hermon." And in Sirach 50:10 the high ...
/f/fir-tree.htm - 11k

... In APC Sirach 24:13, Wisdom says: "I was exalted like a cedar in Libanus, And as
a cypress tree on the mountains of Hermon." And in Sirach 50:10 the high ...
/f/firtree.htm - 9k

Fir (22 Occurrences)
... In APC Sirach 24:13, Wisdom says: "I was exalted like a cedar in Libanus, And as
a cypress tree on the mountains of Hermon." And in Sirach 50:10 the high ...
/f/fir.htm - 19k

Poplar (4 Occurrences)
... distinguished by its white blossoms and pale leaves. It is common in the
Anti-Libanus. Other species of the poplar are found in ...
/p/poplar.htm - 10k



Related Terms



Liars (14 Occurrences)

Libation (29 Occurrences)

Lebanon (66 Occurrences)

Fir-tree (5 Occurrences)


Fir (22 Occurrences)

Poplar (4 Occurrences)


Amana (1 Occurrence)


Abraham (2539 Occurrences)

Hagrites (5 Occurrences)

Arabia (9 Occurrences)

Hazarenan (4 Occurrences)

Hazar-enan (4 Occurrences)

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