Current Money
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3546. nomisma -- a custom, current coin
... money. From nomizo; what is reckoned as of value (after the Latin numisma), ie Current
coin -- money. see GREEK nomizo. (nomisma) -- 1 Occurrence. 3545, 3546 ...
// - 6k

Jesus' Law for the Use of Money.
... That is to say, exchange your money into the kind of coin that is current
in the kingdom of God. Exchange your gold into lives. ...
/...// talks on service/jesus law for the use.htm

That we must Take Pains to do Our Actions Very Perfectly.
... out of temperance, and be in the grace of God, and have an intention to please his
Divine majesty by this temperance, the work shall be current money, fit to ...
/.../francis/treatise on the love of god/chapter vii that we must 2.htm

Heb. 4:14 Our Profession
... bad coins is an indirect proof that there is something which it is worth while to
imitate, and that there is such a thing as good current money in circulation. ...
/.../the upper room being a few truths for the times/chapter xii heb 4 14 our.htm

Jesus Pays the Tribute Money.
... Jesus Pays the Tribute Money. ... payment of it was so irregular that its receivers kept
two chests; in one of which was placed the tax for the current year, and ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/lxxii jesus pays the tribute.htm

The Last Events in Galilee - the Tribute-Money, the Dispute by the ...
... that, although the Jews in Palestine had to pay the tribute-money before the ...
contributions were cast, was destined for the shekels of the current, and another ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter iii the last events.htm

The Greatest Doing is Praying.
... great good. But it is a very pauper in its poverty alongside the bit of
money that is charged with the spirit-current of prayer. ...
/.../gordon/quiet talks with world winners/the greatest doing is praying.htm

Foreign Exchange.
... A man going to Europe would provide himself with proper money to use. ... But
that sort of thing does not pass current up in this land. ...
// talks on service/foreign exchange.htm

Rich in Good Works
... Good works are the coin that is current in God's kingdom: according to these will
be ... The man who is rich in money may become rich in good works, if he follows ...
// for god/xviii rich in good works.htm

The Great Proclamation
... with English shillings in his pocket, but he finds that no coins go there but thalers,
or francs, or dollars, or the like; and his money is only current in his ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture h/the great proclamation.htm

Chapter xxiii
... hand as full value. Socher is the itinerant merchant or peddler. 'Abher
in reference to money means to be in current use. 17, 18. ...
/.../ of genesis volume 1/chapter xxiii.htm

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Current Money





Current Money

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